Chapter 27

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Kuhu sat on the bed with a thud after hearing everything from Kunal. Life can't be so cruel with them. It can't always take away all their happiness. Life itself can't be a hurdle for them every time. She knew the pain of losing a part of your own. She couldn't let Mishti go through the same phase.

She had come to realise that the place of siblings in illness is frequently overlooked. They are not the partners of, or the parents of, or the children of, and often their relationship is not valued as highly but she had known Mishti since the day she was born, she is party to the past intricacies and present realities of their family life. Their relationship had not always been smooth, they had some turbulent times. Fortunately, they straightened things out before ending up in this crisis.

"Excuse me", Kuhu asked at the reception. " May I meet Dr. Verma, please?"

"You have a appointment?" The receptionist asked holding the phone she was speaking on.

"Yes. Kuhu Rajvansh." She smiled.

"Please wait."

She nodded and sat on the waiting chair. She was here to meet Mishti's doctor. May be she could find a way to this problem by meeting her.


Mishti was folding her clothes when Abir hugged her from behind. She smiled at him and he kissed on her cheek.

"It's walk time." He said.

They reached the park and Mishti opened her arms and started enjoying the the cool breeze flowing. Abir too went behind her and his heart smiled seeing her beautiful face.

She then signalled him to join her. Abir with a smile on his face, did exactly what Mishti was doing and joined in her craziness happily.


"Your test reports are here, Mrs. Kuhu." The doctor smiled. "I am so glad you are helping your sister."

Kuhu smiled but she was more eager to know about her results. She wanted to save both Mishti and her baby. She observed the doctor. She looked a little concerned.

"Is there any issues doctor?" She asked.

"Not really, but tell me something." She took a pause. "Did you had a miscarriage in the past?"

Her eyes welled up.

"Ye.. yes!" She replied in a choked voice. "But will that be a obstacle in Mishti's transplant?"

"No, no. Not at all. It's just that.."

"Just what?" She waited for the answer.

"Kuhu, we can do the transplant by preserving your bone marrow, then doing an embryo transplant, we can put Mishti's child in your womb. After that, we can operate her."

"Then where is a problem?" Kuhu asked.

"That accident has blocked your fallopian tube. You can't conceive naturally, Mrs. Rajvansh."

Kuhu touched her stomach again for the third time in her sleep tonight. Her hands even in her sleep wandered towards her stomach. But all she got was nothing. And that's what her life had become. A nothingness. Her loss had changed her life completely. Her dreams of her and her baby laughing along with Kunal ended as a nightmare. She didn't realise when her sobbing was loud which disturbed Kunal's sleep. He switched the lamp on.

"Kuhu, why are you..." he asked in concern. "Don't worry. We will find a way for Mishti. Please stop crying and go to sleep?"

Kunal caressed her hair.

"Kunal..." she exclaimed in a broken voice. "I can't conceive again."

She hugged him clutching his waist and rested her head on his chest and started sobbing loudly. Shocked at her statement first, he controlled himself somehow and reciprocated her hug, holding her back. He bent down to rest his cheek on top of her head. They both cried together. Some moments passed by wordless and voiceless in uber silence. The wetness on his cloth told him about the amount of tears she shed. That amount was nothing in front of their loss. He broke the hug after wiping his tears to clean hers. He motioned her to lie down and slipped inside the blanket pulling her head to keep on his chest. He allowed her to cry but also decided not to let her cry for this again. His condition was not any better but he needed to be her support. He promised himself to take extra care of Kuhu.

After he was sure that she was asleep, Kunal moved out and closed their bedroom door behind him. He leaned over the railing in the balcony adjoining their room. He needed fresh air. What he had heard from Kuhu just now shook him to the core. It had completely thrown him off. He was drowning in the sea of his emotions, he paced across the length of the balcony and when he could take no longer he punched his right fist against the wall. The sky seemed to mirror his inner turmoil. The clouds that were unsettled earlier began to gather together. The gravel grey sky turned into tar black and within seconds it started to pour down heavily. He let the water wash away his pain and sorrow. It washed away the pain he felt.

He knew, he has to support her. It wasn't the time to become weak.

"Kunal!" Kuhu's scream made him rush inside the room. He saw her breathing heavily with her fingers gripping the bedsheet tightly.

"Kuhu..?" Kunal ran to her in concern. "Was it a nightmare?"

She hugged his waist tightly. He caressed her hair.

"I don't know..!" she whispered. "I feel like my whole life has become a nightmare."

He lied beside her caressing hair as she held his shirt tight. He observed her. She was in sleep, yet had a frown on her face. He realised though she was in deep sleep, it wasn't peaceful. He broke into tears on seeing her so vulnerable.


Abir entered the room to see Mishti sitting on the bed, crossed legged, wearing a grey loose T-shirt and a pink pajama. His guitar in her hand, pulling the string, filling the room with a soothing tune. A knot formed in his throat, making it difficult to fill his lungs with air. His tired eyes stared at her, a lovely smile playing on her lips. Her sweet face looked so pale. He swallowed. He didn't know how she manages to do this, but she does. But he won't. She will have to do as he says. He wants a forever with her, not these few stolen moments.

"Mishti .."

She lifted her head to greet him and her small smile bloomed into a perfect welcoming smile.

Abir stood in front of her and took away the guitar from her lap.

"Mishti, it's high time now. We need to talk."

Today he would convince her. She had to understand how much she meant to him. She was too precious to let go without a fight. She needed to understand this. He would shout, beg, plead, till she gives in, but today he would not back down. He wanted a happy family with her.

"Mishti, please say yes." he hugged her, burrowing his face in her silky hair, holding her close to his chest. "Please."

Mishti pulled away from the hug and stared at him. Her Abir, who loved her, who wanted to be with her, grow old with her, who was not ready to let go of her. He thought they deserved more than the few days they are left with, and she believed these stolen moments are too precious to risk for a forever which doesn't seems possible. Her heart ached for him. She knew how much he loved her, and that made this more complicated. She couldn't just agree for the treatment risking her baby like that. She just smiled and started playing her guitar again.

Abir knew she can fool everyone with her smile and craziness, but not him. The anguish was so much palpable, it crushed them both. But she was acting indifferent to it for his and their baby's sake, but he couldn't do that. He was selfish, and he wanted her. And his baby too. If there was a tiniest of possibility of having both of them in his life forever, then he will go for it. He would risk it.

Mishti saw the tear that spilled from the corner of his eyes. She lifted her trembling hand and wiped it, shaking her head. He hugged her.

Hola guys, Here is the next chapter. I hope it was good :)

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