Chapter 29

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It had been a month that Mishti was discharged from the hospital but Abir was still adamant to take care of her as if she was still weak. Abir was really careful and had decided not to go too close to Mishti till she was completely fine. She tried her best to convince him that she was totally fine now, but Abir being Abir, was not ready to listen to her.

On the other hand, Kunal was no less than his brother in taking care of his wife. He took care of Kuhu just like a princess, from feeding her with his own hands to singing a lullaby when she slept. Whenever opposed, he would shut her up by saying that he was singing for the baby and not her.

'I am scared. I need you. Please come soon.'

Sending that text to Abir, Mishti combed her hair, fixing the brand new dress once again. She wore a sexy black dress that reached above her thighs and was sleeveless from over the top. Today she was going to show Abir that she is completely fine now. Satisfied with her look in the mirror, she went to open the door when she heard some footsteps.

"Mishti, What happen...." Abir started but gathered himself back as he started to grumble but soon to perish into her soft lips because those merciless lips of hers touched his cheeks momentarily.

"You made me wait really long." With his big orbs he gaped at her from top to bottom. She looked too much inviting.

"I thought you needed me." Abir said while Mishti pulled him closer locking the door behind.

"Always, darling." she said and pushed him on the bed and coming top of him.

Gulping his saliva down Abir tried to accept what was happening. Was his wife seducing him?

"Isn't it hot?" she said seductively and pulled his coat away.

"It is," he said looking at her as she pulled him to sit on the lap and trailed her fingers on his chest, very slowly.

"Mishti, what are you.." Stealing glances from her he felt his mouth is going all dry with her temptation while she pressed herself more on him.

"Can't you see, what am I doing?" Huskily letting her words go she started unbuttoning his shirt.

She was burning him with her sensuality. Her hazel eyes which were roaming around his body and the touches of her soft tender skin, everything was creating dizziness inside his mind.

"I am not in the correct state of mind right now after this." Breathing densely he whispered in an amatory tone while she started kissing his whole face followed by his throat, neck and chest but leaving his lips thirsty.

Abir stretched himself on the bed pulling Mishti upon him. He gently pushed her down until she lay on the bed and he came on top of her.


Kuhu stirred in her sleep and opened feeling a sudden craving. She yawned and kept her hand on her tummy only to realise that Kunal's hand was already over it. It was his habit of patting her tummy slowly while singing a lullaby to make both her and the baby sleep. For some reason, Kuhu found his gesture in front of her protective. Kunal was indeed protective for her and their baby.

"Baby, hungry right?" She spoke to her tummy. "Me too. We need strawberry cake."

She turned and looked at her husband .He tightened the hold on her.

•MishBir°KuKu• ¦¦Broken Promises¦¦ |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now