Epilogue (part three): Yours, Ivy

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Harry licked his fingers clean, his tongue making a noisy slurpy sound; causing everyone to cringe.

"I do feel bad that little Scorpy and I were the only ones who ate it," he chortled, grinning around the table as we all stared at him aghast; including Scorpius whose chocolate smeared face was blinking up at our gatecrasher in bemusement. "Are you sure nobody else wanted some? It really was delicious - did I detect a touch of salted caramel in that icing? I couldn't get the recipe, could I?"

"It's Scorpius," Draco drawled disdainfully, "and I'm afraid I'd have to kill you if I give away the secret Malfoy family recipe. So don't tempt me, Potter."

"Oh," Harry bumbled, his hand flying up to his face to readjust his glasses. "Well, that's disappointing. Would have been nice to have baked one for when the boys visit."

"How are little James and... Albus - isn't it?" I asked quickly, before Draco could start making digs.

"Oh wonderful, wonderful Ivy!" Harry said with enthusiastic pride, "strapping little lads, just like their father!"

Both Draco and Blaise simultaneously snorted into their teas. I hurriedly scraped my chair back hoping the noise was enough to distract Harry.

"More tea, anyone?" I asked loudly, moving across the kitchen to put the kettle on, desperate to try and keep things civil.

"Actually, I think we'd better be going," Edgar coughed, looking pointedly at Pansy, "wouldn't you say, darling?"

Pansy, who hadn't said a word since Harry had joined us, pulled her furious glare away from the unexpected guest to look back up at her husband.

"For once, I agree with you," she sniped, her narrowed eyes briefly darting back to Harry. "Something about the company here doesn't sit right with me anymore."

"Pansy, please," I implored, as I refilled the pot. "He's apologised and has attempted to make amends. Let's put the past behind us, okay?"

"HE KNEW THAT PRICK WAS RAPING YOU AND DID FUCK ALL ABOUT IT!" Pansy shrieked so loudly that I dropped the teapot just as Scorpius started to cry.

Draco immediately jumped to his feet, glaring at Pansy as he went to pull our distressed boy out of his high chair. "Would you please refrain from saying such things in front of my son, Pansy!"

"Would you please refrain from inviting vermin into my sister's home!" Pansy snarled back.

As Draco and Pansy continued to snipe at one another, Tabitha rushed to my side to help me clean up the mess, her wand out as, between us, we managed to vanish away all the spilt tea and smashed china.

"Erm..." Harry said, slowly lowering the napkin he had been dabbing at his mouth, "is my presence causing an issue here? I don't want to ruin the wee lad's birthday."

"Yes, probably best if you just leave now, Potter," Draco sneered as he tried to soothe Scorpius who clung to his daddy; loud sobs wracking his little trembling body.

"I'll see you out," Blaise said at once, getting to his feet and quickly ushering Harry from the now chaotic kitchen.

"Bye, Ivy!" Harry called back cheerily over his shoulder. "Thank you for the tea and cake, we should do it again soon!"

"Er, anytime," I said faintly as he disappeared through the door.


Draco stood at the wrought iron gates, apprehension swirling in the pit of his stomach.

He hadn't been back here since the war; couldn't face it after that terrible final year. The place was full of too many horrific memories, every room tainted by the terror that he had witnessed inside those cold stone walls.

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