Chapter 3

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The next morning, I wake up, and check my phone. I have over twenty messages from an unknown number, that I assume is Sam. "Emily? Stop smiling at your phone!" Emma giggles uncontrollably. I don't listen to her though, I'm too happy. "Let me guess you got a million messages from your new boyfriend," she starts to crack up even more. "Oh won't you shut up? He's not my boyfriend," I say clearly annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Emily," she winks at me. I scroll through all the messages surprised that Sam texted me after all. I thought it was all some kind of practical joke, and I'm thrilled that is isn't. As I'm reading through his messages I start to get butterflies, and I can't stop smiling, he's just to cute.

"So, what did your boyfriend text you? Oh I know! When do you want to come over to my place?" Emma falls down to the floor, still laughing uncontrollably. "Emma stop it!" I instruct her. "Okay sorry, it's just so funny, I mean honestly you have to admit it."
"Hahaha, yeah, yeah, very funny," I say sarcastically. "Okay for real now, what did he say?" Emma asks while attempting not to laugh. "He said he wants to go to a restaurant for dinner, and he said I could bring you along as well." I answer her.
"Aww that's nice of him, but do you really want me to come with you? I don't want to ruin what could be a perfect moment between you two." She says with a small smile. I never thought about that, but do I want her to come? I don't know. "Well wouldn't you think it would be weird if I just went by myself? Like wouldn't he just know that I like him that way?" I ask her worryingly. "We'll do you want me to be honest?" I nod. "Well if I'm being honest...I think he may like you." What is she even talking about, is she insane? How in the world would Sam Claflin ever like me? He's too perfect. " Emma stop playing around. You know he wouldn't ever like me," I roll my eyes at her. "Then why do you think he asked for your number, huh? And I saw the way he looked at you, and didn't you see how close he got to you? What do you think he just goes around, and does that to every fan he sees?" I mean, I have been thinking a lot about why in the world he would ask me for my number, but I know for a fact it's not because he likes me. "I don't care what you say anymore Emily. Because you didn't see the way he looked at you. But trust me when I say, your special," after that Emma walks into the bathroom, and hops into the shower. I stay in bed, and keep reading Sam's messages over, and over again, with Emma's words echoing in my head.

After Emma's done with her shower, she comes, and sits down next to me. "Hey, do you want me to come with you tonight? It's up to you, either way works as long as your happy," she puts her arm around my shoulder, and smiles. "You can come, it might make me feel more comfortable," I reply avoiding eye contact. "Okay, sounds good. Don't worry I'll stay out of the way," she chuckles. "Also Emily, I think the only reason why he offered you to bring a friend was because he wants you to be comfortable." I just nod my head, not really listening to what she's saying. "Can you help me get ready for tonight?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "Of course I'll help you, but don't you think it's a little too early?"
"What do you mean?!" It's like already 11:30! And it's Sam Claflin! He's perfect, which means I need to look somewhat decent!"
"Okay, okay fine. Stop freaking out!"
"Yay!" I laugh. "Can we start off with my outfit? I think we need to go shopping."
"Seriously, Emily? Shopping? Didn't you bring like a million different outfits with you?"
"Yeah, but it's Sam!!! How many time do I need to tell you?!" I remind her for the millionth time. "Fine let's go."

Once we get home it's about 1:00, and that's when I remember I never texted Sam back! "Emma? I haven't texted Sam back telling him dinner sounds good," I start freaking out.
"It's fine just text him now, I bet he won't mind," she reinsure me. I text him, that dinner sounds lovely. A few seconds later he texted me back, and said, "Great! See you at 7pm! 🤗."
At the store I bought a light pink dress, golden heals, and I'm planning on wearing the same jewelry as yesterday. As for my makeup I'm doing another simple, and natural look because Emma thinks Sam will like that better. As for my nails I'm doing a plain light pink, and white pattern.

I look in the mirror, and feel kinda confident, if I'm telling the truth. "So what do you want me to do with your hair?" Emma asks me while brushing out my hair. "Umm what time is it?" Last time I checked it was 1:00 but that feels like it was hours ago. "It's 5:30 almost, you have to meet him at 7:00pm right?" What the heck! It's already 5:30!! Oh my goodness I thought I looked decent, but not decent enough for Sam!!! He's gonna think I'm ugly!! "How is it already 5:30!!!" I say getting stressed out.
"Emily!! Emily!!! Just breathe, it's all going to be all right, okay?" How can she just say that everything is going to be alright?! It's not! This is Sam claflin! This is my dream, I've wanted this to happen for as long as I could remember! How am I supposed to just relax, and believe that everything will br fine? "Umm, we have to hurry. Can you please just do the same hairstyle you did for me yesterday? I liked that one."
"Of course I will. Plus I think Sam claflin will like it as well," she giggles. I just give her a look in response, and she stops.

"What do you think?" Emma asks once she's finished. "I love it! Thank you!! Okay it's about 6:30 now so we should get leaving. Hold on what are you going to wear?"
"I was just going to wear this," she responds.
"Okay sounds good." I say nervously.
"Hold on what restaurant our you guys eating dinner at?"
"Umm It's some big fancy restaurant somewhere in downtown London," I tell her.
"Oh fancy," she winks at me.

We get in the car, and she drives me to the restaurant. Once we get there I can't believe how nice it is, and this is just the outside. I can't even imagine how it looks like in the inside. "Shouldn't you text him or something? Let him know your at the restaurant?" She questions me.
"Yeah your right I'll do that now" I reach into my pocket, and grab my phone to text Sam. But a second before I'm about to send the message I feel a hand slip around me. I turn to my right to see Sam there. I watch Sam wink at Emma, and she's already laughing uncontrollably. Which isn't a big surprise, but still very annoying. Then Sam turns to me, and he smiles, he then hands me a bouquet of roses. "Hi there, Emily," he greets me with his lovely British accent. "Hey," I reply low-key freaking out inside. He's wearing a light blue, long sleeve, bottom down shirt, with black pants and dress shoes. His dark, fluffy hair, is combed back neatly, and all I can think is, "Wow, he looks great."

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