Chapter 21

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I hang up the phone with Dylan, and start to walk out of my door. I was discussing my surprise for Emily's birthday with him, I would have told more people, but I don't want the surprise to get out to Emily. Emma, was one of the only other people I was going to speak to about this, but it seems like she wouldn't take the news very well. I have no idea on how this is going to work out, all I know is that I have to do it. I have to, I just feel it.

Once I'm out my door, I notice that Emily isn't in her room, and I decide to go downstairs to find her. But as soon as I turn the corner of the hallway, we both bump into each other, hurriedly. "Emily are you okay?" I ask her, my voice filled with concern. "Yes, I'm okay," she responds. "What about you?" Emily questions me. "I'm good, if your good," I chuckle slightly.
"Good, well anyway, if you don't mind, I think I'm going to continue reading for a little bit," she says a moment later. "As you wish," I tell her, and move to the other side of the hallway, so she can pass.

After the in-counter with Emily, I head straight down to the basement, and into my office. I log onto my laptop, and start planning Emily's birthday. There's lots that need to be done, and I want them done perfectly because Emily deserves perfection, but do I have enough time? That's the big question.

I spend hours that night on the computer, trying to pick everything out. It's on the 18th, and today is the 12th, so once again not much time. After I've done enough setting up for Emily's birthday, I close my laptop, and grab my script for my latest job. I'm slightly dyslexic, and always have had quite a tough time with my scripts, but this was isn't too bad. I finish reading through the first half of the script, but nothing really processes through my mind. The only thing that does, is Emily. Emily, what a sweet name, I smile at thought of her. I decide to place my script down for the night, and head upstairs. I walk through the kitchen, and see how Emily had tidied up all nice, and neatly. I go grab a glass of water, and take it upstairs to place it in my room, but before I walk in i notice that Emily's door is open. I place my water on the floor outside of the door, and slowly peak my head inside. I giggle quietly at the sight of Emily, she's sleeping with her book open on the top of her head. Quietly, I slip into the room, and walk towards her. Once I reach her, I study her for a minute, before slowly picking up the book, and closing on gently. I place it on her nightstand so she'll be able to find it the next morning. Her hair is a mess, but to me it looks perfect, she's wearing light purple pajamas, and is still wearing her watch. Without hesitation, I slip the watch off her wrist, and put it on the charger in the corner. Then, I pull the ivory colored blanket up to her shoulders snugly, so she won't be cold during the night. Lastly, before I go, I gently press a kiss to her forehead, "goodnight love," I whisper into her ear softly, knowing that she's can't hear me. I start tip-toeing backwards through the open door, and watch her sleeping peacefully. The sight of her looking so calm, and peaceful, please me. So I softly close her door, and head into my room. I take a sip of water, before placing the cup down, and slowly unmake the bed. After is ready, I slowly lay down, and rest my head on the soft, fluffy pillow.

My final thoughts before sleep overtook me, where of Emily, and her birthday.

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