Chapter 5

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"Emily, what's wrong?" Emma asks me while we're driving back home from the restaurant. By now it's already 9:30, where almost back to the rental home after leaving, and saying an awkward goodbye to Sam. "Are you mad you weren't able to kiss your boyfriend?" She says cockily. "Sam isn't my boyfriend! And we weren't going to kiss! So knock it off!" I retort.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. I saw it with my own eyes Emily. What's the point of lying? I was texting my mom because it's like 4:30pm in Chicago, and when I turned, you guys were so close to each other. But then my dumb phone rang. Hold on are you mad at me because I ruined the moment?" I don't know what she's even talking about. I'm not even mad. Why would I be? And there wasn't any "moment," between Sam, and I. It was just late, and we were both tired, that's it. "I'm not mad, Emma. What are you even thinking? We weren't even going to kiss, and how many times do I need to remind you that Sam doesn't like me. We're just becoming friends I guess." I answer calmly. "Yeah, for sure. Emily, I don't care what you say anymore, but Sam tried to kiss you. That's the bottom line okay? You know it, I know it, and Sam knows it. So stop pretending like it never happened because you know it did." I don't reply back. I'm just so annoyed, does she know how crazy she sounds? Like for real.

Sam's point of view:

I'm ten minutes away from my house now, and I can't stop thinking about Emily. What in the world was I thinking? Why would I try to kiss her? She's only known me for two days,  what the heck is wrong with me? "Breathe Sam, breathe," I tell myself over, and over again.

As soon as I arrive home, I walk straight to my bathroom mirror. I hate mirrors, I barely look at them. But tonight I stare at myself in the mirror for what seems like forever. "Why did I ever think, even for a second, that Emily would ever like me." I whisper to myself. As soon as I laid eyes on Emily yesterday night, I knew I had feelings for her. Yesterday, the first time I saw her, with her pink baggy sweater, and black leggings. With her pink, and simple makeup look, and her adorable smile. I felt something. I was in love. I love Emily. But I know she'll never love me back, and I know I need to learn how to live like that.

I can't sleep that night. I think about every little thing that has happened between Emily, and myself. About every single mistake I've made in the past two days. "Why would I wear light blue," I whisper to myself trying to hold back tears. This past morning ,I felt confident enough in my light blue bottom down, but now I don't. I've had some people tell me light blue is my color, but some people isn't Emily. Emily is different. She has her own beliefs, and opinions, and I guess I'll never know what she thought about my light blue bottom down. I eventually fall asleep at about 2:00am. I kept on debating whether or not I should text Emily, and apologize, but I chose not to. I don't want her to back out of meeting me at the park, this morning. I want to spend time with her. I need to spend time with her. As friends, at least. At dinner I asked her if she lived here, I don't even know why I did. Obviously she doesn't, she has an American accent, not a British accent. She lives in Chicago. I've only ever been their once, it's nicknamed "the Windy City," and after that visit I totally understand why. But that's not the point. The point is that she'll be going back home soon. Yes, I have her number, but it doesn't mean she's going to respond to my phone calls or texts. Emily told me she's going back home in two weeks. Which means I have two weeks to spend time with her, and that's what I'm going to do. I know that she'll never like me romantically, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?

I wake up to the sound of my alarm at 4:45am. I have to pick Emily up at 6:30am, that way we'll be able to see the sunrise. But first I need to get ready, because there is no way I can go, and meet her looking like this. I hop into the shower, and dress up in a red, long sleeve, button down shirt, black pants, and some black Nike sneakers. My hair looks like a curly, dark mess, so I apply some water, and comb it back neatly. Hoping that it will look some what decent to Emily. It's already 6:00am by the time I'm all dressed, and about ready to go. For breakfast I was going to take Emily to another restaurant, hopeful that this meal won't be as awkward as the last. I grab the keys for my Audi, and walk out the door. Once I'm in my car, I open the window slightly, and take my phone out, so I can text Emily. I'm freaking out because I have no idea what to write, and what if she changed her mind, and decided not to come anymore? I don't know? After about five minutes of debating I end up texting her this, "Hey Emily, it's Sam. Good morning! I hope your having a wonderful morning. If you still want to go to the park, I can pick you up right now. Just send me the address of your rental home, I'm guessing it's not very far from where I live. Thanks!" After rereading my message a million times again, and again, Emily finally replies. She said, "of course I still want to go, and see the sunrise with you, would you like me to make you any tea?" I tell her I already have breakfast all set up, and then she sends me her address.

"Sam just chill, it'll be all right," I repeat to myself a million times, as I drive up by Emily's rental home. I walk up to the door, and ring the door bell. I hear some shuffling going on inside the house, and then I see Emily. She looks beautiful. She's wearing a long, black, lacy dress, with gold sneakers. Her hair is down in waves, and her makeup looks simple. She looks lovely. I wish I could tell her that, but I know I can't.

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