Chapter 6

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Emily's Perspective;

The door bell rings at about 6:25, and I run to answer it. When I open the door I see Sam standing there smiling. He looks gorgeous. Seeing him makes me feel like I didn't dress up enough, but it's fine. I already accepted the fact that Sam will never like me, a long time ago. "Good morning, Emily," his British accent gives me butterflies, just like it always has. "Good morning," I say back. "Would you like to come in?" I ask him instantly regretting the words after they slip out of my mouth. "That's very nice of you, but we have to get going if we want to catch the sunrise. It won't stay dark for long," he smiles at me.
"Sounds, good." I turn, and lock the door. When I turn back Sam's still standing there, looking out into the dark sky. His wavy hair flying in the wind. I accidentally look at him for a second to long because before I know it he whips his head around, and our eyes meet. I immediately turn back around, and pretend them I'm still locking the door. As for Sam he just pretends nothing happened. I need to stop it. I can't keep looking at him. Yes, he's attractive, but he doesn't like me. We're just friends, and that's how it always is going to be.

After I'm done locking the door for the second time, Sam leads me to his car. It's an Audi Q3 which is my dream car, I've wanted it ever since I was twelve. He walks to the passenger door, and opens the door for me, I smile at him trying not to look nervous. I promised Emma that I would tell her everything, but for some reason I want to keep this small detail out.

"Are you hot? Do you want me to open you window?" Sam questions me a little bit later. His head turns my way, and I can't find it in myself to lift my head up. I don't want to meet his eyes, but then part of me does. "No thanks, it feels perfect right now," I half smile, still avoiding eye contact. "Okay great, let me know if you change your mind," he replies back. Sam stretches his hand out to the radio, and plays some light music. I find myself still snatching looks at him, even though I try my hardest not too.

We arrive to the park at 6:50am, and Sam guides me to this perfect spot in the grass. "I brought a blanket," he says. "It's in the car, I'll go get it," he adds. I watch him, as he jogs back to his car. That's when I notice his car keys are still laying in the grass. I grab them, and run after him, without even thinking. He's already at his car when he notices he doesn't have his keys. Then, he glances up, and notices me. I walk the rest of the way to his car, and stop when I'm right in front of him. "You forgot your keys," I tell him, even though it's clearly obvious. He hesitated for a moment, and then he grabs the keys from my hand. I feel his finger brush past mine as he retrieves his keys. A chill runs down my spine. "Thank you," he looks up at me, and then quickly back to the ground. This time we both walk back together, and we make it just in time as well. I help Sam lay the blanket out in the grass, and then we both sit down side to side. We watch the sun rise for what feels like forever. I've never appreciated the sun as much as I do at this current moment. It's so beautiful, it's so peaceful, it's amazing that this happens every single day, even though most people could care less. "This, this is beautiful Sam," I say calmly without a worry in the world. He turns to me, and smiles, both of our eyes meet, and then he replies, "yes it is, yes it is." I hold my gaze for a few more seconds until turning back to finish watching the sunrise. Sam's bluish, greenish eyes sparkle, his dark, wavy hair blows along with the leaves, his smile stays on his face, and he looks peaceful. That's when he moves his head, and finds me staring at him again, but this time I don't move. I don't know why, but I can't seem to do anything. The only thing I can do is stare back at his mysterious eyes, and smile at him.

A minute later I hear my phone beep. I break my eye contact with Sam, and look for my phone. I can't find it though. "Sam, do you know where my phone has gone?" I ask him questionably. He starts laughing uncontrollably. "Sam give me my phone back," I giggle. He gets up, and takes off running with my phone. "Sam! I'm not joking! You better give me my phone back!" I yell, while getting up, and then I began to chase him. "You'll have to catch me first!" He retorts. This makes me hysterical, and I have to stop running to catch my breath. "Sam, just give it back! Please?"
"I told you! You'll have to come, and get it," he continues chuckling. He starts to slow down, and that's when I sprint full speed towards him. But he's still too quick, and that's when I remember he wanted to be a soccer player. I'm almost faithful that he would have went through with that career, if he hadn't broken both of his ankles. "Sam," I gasp out of breath. "Your to fast for me," I hear my phone continue beeping. "Well this is what friends do, isn't it?" He asks, making a silly face. Yes it is, I think to myself. This feels like something that Emma would do too me. We're just friends, that proves it. Emma is insane, and I've been right this entire time. Sam is just a friend, and anyway he'll probably just forget about me once I leave. He's stopped running for a moment, and is looking at the traffic in the other direction. This is my chance. I dart towards him, eventually he turns around, but he's not quick enough, and I get to him. "Sam, give me my phone back now, okay?" He doesn't respond, he just waves my phone in front of my face, and continues grinning. I reach for my phone but he lifts it high into the air. Sam's 5'11", and I'm 5' 4" how in the world am I supposed to get my phone now. I try to jump up, and grab it from his hands, but he's standing on his tipy toes by now. "Sam! Please just give it back!"
"I can't," he responds. "This is just to much fun!" He chuckles. Then, he lowers my phone slightly, and I finally think I have chance of retrieving it. I stand as high as I possibly can on my tipy toes, so close to my phone. But that's when I trip on a stone right in front of me. I fall on top of Sam, who's still laughing like he's just heard the funniest joke in the world. He pulls my hair back behind my ear, still holding my phone. "Aren't you going to take your phone back now?" He hands it to me. I reach out for it, but before I'm able to get hold of it, he pulls it back out of my reach. This action causes me to fall even closer to him. Now my face is only inches away from his. He turns his head to the side, my heart begins to thump faster, the fastest that it ever has. I want to get up, and turn away, but I can't. He glances back up at me, and I continue gazing down at him. His hands are fiddling around with my hair, and I move my hands to the back of his neck. "Emily! There you are! I was worried!" I see Emma racing down towards us. I slip my hands away from Sam's neck, and stand up as quickly as I can. Emma slows down, as she sees Sam stand up as well. "Hold on, hold on. Did I ruin something?" She asks looking worried. "No, what are you even talking about Emma? Sam, and I just slipped, that's all." I reinsure her.
"But, but," before she has a chance to say anything else I shoot her a look, that tells her to shut up. "Emily, are you okay?" Sam looks up, and down at me making sure I don't have any bruises. "No, I'm fine Sam. Thank you," I half smile at him. "Well that's good, here's your phone back," he hands me my phone avoiding eye contact. We walk back to where Emma had parked her car. "Well I had made breakfast plans, but it looks like Emma has you both covered." Sam nods towards the open car window. There's two bags from Dunkin' Donuts in there, along with two cups of coffee."Oh. Umm, I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys had breakfast plans. I thought you were just going to watch the sunrise, and come back. That's why I got worried when Emily never responded to my texts." She explains.
"It's okay, don't worry about it," Sam says looking slightly annoyed, but he tries to hide it. "I better get going, see you another time, Emily," he adds.
"See you," I reply, and then he hops into his car, and drives off. I find myself still staring in the direction his car zipped off in, three minutes later.

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