Chapter 9

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Emily's Perspective:

I stare back at the gorgeous brown eyed Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and I have no idea what to do, or say. "I...I.....," I stutter. Thomas is still standing there patiently, looking neat, and all put together. I whip my head around, and glance at Sam. I can't read his face. He looks mad, or sad, or confused, he feels something, but I can't exactly put my finger on it. I turn my head, and without thinking say, "Umm, of course." He smiles, and takes my hand without another word.

He brings me to the center of the room, just in time for the next song to began playing. The song playing is, "Crazy in love," (the spin version.) Thomas grabs one my hands, and places his other hand on my waist, I put my free hand on his shoulder, since that's what I did with Sam. "So, im not sure if you know who I am, but my name is Thomas Brodie-Sangster, if you were wondering." He explains to me.
"Oh, yes, I thought I had recognized you," I laugh.

We continue dancing, for another minute, and he spins me around. That's when, out of the corner of my eye, I spot Sam siting in the corner. I don't know what I feel. I feel bad for him, but why? I have no clue. A second later, I feel a finger gently brush my cheek, and Thomas lifts my face up so I'm looking back up at him. "Sorry," I apologize. "I just got lost in my thoughts," I added.
"Oh no problem," he reassures me. "So if I'm assuming right, your American, correct?" He questions me. "Yes, I am," I reply.
"Sweet," he smiles. "Anyway, how do you know the one, the only, the great Sam claflin?" He chuckles. What am I supposed to tell him? That I legit have only known him for like three days? Ahh, why am I always put in awkward situations? "Well, I'm currently on vacation, and I met Sam here a couple days ago. So we just became friends, I guess you could say."
"Oh, that sounds nice, I've never actually met Sam before, but I've heard of some of his movies." Thomas tells me, and I nod.

After the song is over, I walk back over we're Sam is sitting, and Thomas follows me. He stays close, by my side, as we try to dodge the other dancers. "Hi," I awkwardly say to Sam, once I reach him. "Hey," he replies emotionless. "Why, hello their Sam! I'm Thomas Brodie-Sangster!" Thomas tells Sam, cheerfully. "I'm a big fan of the work you did in The Hunger Games series," he smiles at Sam.
"Oh, well thank you, Thomas," Sam finally looks up from his phone, and stands up. Thomas is a little bit shorter than Sam, but not by much. Thomas, and Sam are only four years apart, but if I'm telling the truth, Thomas still looks like he's in his early twenties. "Well, Emily, I think I'm going to head out. Do you want to stay longer, or do you not mind leaving right now?" Sam asks me with a quizzical look.
"If you want to stay longer, I can always drop you home, Emily." Thomas blurts out. Oh great, now this situation is even more awkward. "Well, you can go home with Thomas then," he says, and walks away. What? But I want Sam to drop me off, not Thomas. No offense but I legit just met him less then ten minutes ago. I want to call out to him, and tell him to wait, but my lips can't seem to form the words. The next thing that happens, takes me by surprised. Thomas latches on too my hand, and leads me to a quiet hallway, were no one else seems to be around. "Okay, I know it might be kind of early, but would it be possible for me, to get your number?" He asks me, smiling. What in the world is happening? Do I want to say yes? If I'm being honest, I kinda do, but is it the right thing to do? Thomas is still standing, only inches away from me, his bright brown eyes, peering down at me, the soft smile still on his face. "Sure," I smile back at him, shyly. I hand him my phone, so that he can add my number into his. "Thank you," he giggles.

"So do you want me to drop you home now?" Thomas asks me at about 11:00pm. "Yes, please, if you're ready to go at least." I reply.
"Of course, come on," he says, entwining he fingers into mine. What is he doing? I'm so confused? As we're walking out, someone stops me. It's one of the ladies Sam was talking to, as soon as I see her, I let go of Thomas's hand, hoping she didn't notice. "Hey there, Emily right?"
"Yes, Emily," I answer her.
"Didn't you come her with Sam? Where is he? Why are you with Thomas right now? Did something happen?" She starts slamming me with questions. "Oh, no nothing happened. Sam just told me, he was going to leave, and now Thomas is dropping me home." I reply nervously. "Oh, well okay, you two have a good night."
"You too," Thomas and I both say simultaneously.

Thomas takes me to his car, it's a Cadillac Escalade. (This is made up obviously not his actual car lol, his actual car is a older car that I forget the name off.)He opens the door for me, and waits for me to get in before he runs around to his door. "Can you type your address in the gps?" Thomas ask me, politely. I nod, and do what he asked. In the car, we talk quite a bit. He asks me about my life, and I ask him about his. We were having a good conversation, until we both heard a loud, "POP!"
"What was that?" I ask Thomas worryingly.
"No idea, just stay in the car okay? I don't want you to get hurt or anything." He looks at me.
"Okay," I say, looking down at my phone. He steps out of the car with another work, and circles around it. He leans down, close to the passenger side tire, and I can see the distress on his face. Should I go help him? What if it's something serious? Without rethinking, I open the door, and bend down beside him. "What's wrong Thomas?" I ask him.
"Oh, it's nothing Emily, but I think the tire for my car might have just popped. I found this piece of glass, and it looks as if my tire is loosing air quite quickly. Can you check how far we are from your house? We might only be able to go a few miles, and I can't call the tow company right now." I go, and check the gps, it says we have a less than a mile left, and I'm hopeful we'll be able to make it back to my house, but what about Thomas? "Where only half a miles a way," I tell him.
"Well that's good, let's get back into the car," he instructs. Once again, he opens the door for me like a gentleman.

"So Thomas, how are you going to get home tonight?" I ask him a few minutes later.
"Honestly? No idea. I might have to drop you off, and then just sleep in the car or something," he responds. Before I can stop myself I say, "Well if you want to, you can camp out at my place tonight," I avoid eye contact. What did I just do? Do I really want a random stranger at the home I'm staying at? "Oh, that's really nice of you, but are you sure your comfortable with it? I mean we did just meet." He informs me.
"Yeah, but I think I trust you well enough to let you stay at my house for the night," I insist.
"Well enough," he chuckles. "Well do you have an area that I can sleep?" He asks me, sightly glancing my way. "Yes, well kinda, I mean we have the couch? It's not as comfortable then what your use to, but it's still pretty comfortable, I suppose." I explain to him.
"Ok, if your okay with it, let's call it a plan," he smiles kindly. I smile back.

We pull up to my house shortly after, I head up the steps, and unlock the door, with Thomas only a few short steps behind me. Once I walk in it's almost pitch black, the only light I can see, seems to be coming from Emma's room. As soon as I think of the name "Emma," I see her marching out of her room, looking down at her phone. "Your back already Emily? I thought you were out with your boyfriend, or somethi-," she stops, midway in her sentence. She's no longer looking at her phone, but is now looking at Thomas, and I. "Emily....isn't that the guy that plays in the movie you were watching earlier....?" She asks, obviously confused. That's when it hits me. Earlier before Sam came I was watching a movie, it was "The Maze Runner," Thomas plays the character, "Newt." But how does she know?
"Umm, yes, this is Thomas. Thomas, this is my best friend, Emma."
"Nice to meet you, Emma," Thomas reaches his hand out. But Emma is too shocked to do anything besides stand there, jaw dropped. "Well anyway, Thomas, treat this home like your own, and have a good night. I'm going to head to my room, and go to sleep, I am exhausted. Good night Thomas," I say to him, and began to walk to my room. "Wait," he chimes in, walks closer to me, and gives me a hug, "Good night."

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