Chapter 8

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Emily's Perspective:

I hear Emma walk though the front door. I'm laying down on the couch, watching a movie, and eating popcorn. She looks aggravated. Which is surprising because Emma is one of the most calmest people I know. She walks right past me without a single glance and opens the door to her room abruptly. Then slams it so loud I can hear it echo in my head. What the heck is wrong with her, is this still about earlier? Honestly, I can't even remember why I was mad at her in the first place, but whatever I'll leave her alone. Sometimes friends need space from each other anyway, right?

An hour and a half later I'm all done with the movie. Emma hasn't stepped foot out of her room since she's arrived, and I'm getting kinda worried about her, if I'm being honest. I walk into the kitchen, grab a pan, and get ready to cook some enchiladas, but before I can I hear the door ring. "Who can that be?" I murmur to myself. I walk to the door, look into the mirror, and fix my hair up a little bit so I at least look decent. My hand goes straight for the door, and I twist it until it opens, but once I see who's on the other side, I'm taken by surprise.

"Hello, there," I hear Sam say, as soon as I open the door. Why is he even here? He usually texts me before hand. "Hi," I say back in a confused manner. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was coming, but I wanted to ask you something." He explains, but I'm still to shocked yo say any words. So I just nod in response. "Well I was going to tell you this earlier, but we ran out of time. Then, I thought I would just text you about it, but I couldn't come up with a way to word it." He chuckles to himself. "Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to this party with me, tonight?" He asks me. "It's for all the actors that live somewhere in England, but you're allowed to bring a guest. I thought it would be fun for me to take you, since you're still trying to become an actor. Maybe you can get some advice, what do you say?" He smiles at me. Ahh! What do I say? Sure? I don't know. "Well that does sound fun, but are you sure you want me to come with you?" I ask politely trying to hide my confusion, and shock. "Of course, well that is if you would like to." He avoids eye contact. "Okay, then. Only it you're okay with it," I reply back, starting at the setting sun behind him. "When does it start?" I ask him, curiously. "In about an hour, I know short notice. I'm so sorry," he apologizes.
"Its okay," I reassure him. "I'll go get ready," I continue. "You can come inside, and make yourself at home," I smile at him sweetly. I open the door, and guide him inside. Sam is dressed pretty fancy, he's wearing a black suit, and his hair is combed back very neatly, not the messy wait it was this morning.

After I show him where everything is, I walk into the closet, and try to pick out an outfit. I find many different dresses, but I don't know which one to wear. I try on a light blue one, but I feel like it's too tight. After, I try on a dark, olive green dress, but I feel like it's too short. Finally, I try on a long, cream colored dress, with lace sleeves. The dress is a bit tight at the shoulders, but I only have thirty more minutes left to get ready. Then, I grab a pair of matching shoes, and do my makeup. I apply a bright red lipstick, and finish off with a bit of mascara. As for my hair, I curl it, and keep it down.

I walk out of my bathroom, and see that Sam has made tea for him, and myself. "I decided not was smart to make some tea, for the car ride." He said. "It's pretty chilly outside," he adds. Sam hands me a thermos with my tea in it, and we both walk towards the door. Right before we're about to slip out the door, Sam stops me, "Does Emma want to join us?" He asks me. "No she's not feeling too well," I lie in response. It's not that I don't want Emma to come, but I feel like I have the right to get out of the house without her accompanying me. Sam gives me a questioning look, but doesn't say anything. Once we're in the car, he mainly keeps his eyes on the road. With the occasional glance my way. I try to keep my eyes off him, but it's challenging. He just looks so stunning, what am I supposed to do? I don't want to be rude, but I end up going on my phone for most of the ride.

Once we get there, Sam opens the car door for me, and leads me down the pathway towards the hall the event is taking place. I glance into the parking lot, and see hundreds of cars. I'm not gonna lie, but I'm really excited, this could be the perfect opportunity for me to get some acting advice! As we walk into the door, I hear music blasting, and lights glowing. Within seconds of waking through the door, at least five people notice Sam, and walk towards us. Sam sparks conversation with a couple people, and I kinda just stand there awkwardly. A few second later Sam notices, and introduces me to the fellow actors/actresses. They're all very kind, and welcome me into the conversation like we've all been friends for years. I'm personally not familiar with any of the actors/actresses, but they all seem to be pretty well known. I glance around and see a few actors/actresses that I know, but not many. There's a refreshment table, so I walk away from Sam, and walk over. I grab a cup, and reach my hand to grab the pitcher filled with fruit punch, but before I can I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around, and see Sam staring down at me. "Why did you leave?" He asks me worryingly.
"Oh I just wanted some juice," I giggle holding the pitcher up. "Oh okay, I thought you were mad at me, or something," he smiles shyly.
"No, I'm not," I smile back.

We continue talking to some of the other actors for what feels like forever. We got to the event at about 6:00, by now it's almost 7:30, and luckily it's time for dinner. Everyone walks to the main room, we're there are tables set up, and two huge tables lined up together, with all kinds of food. Half the things look way to fancy for me, but I just follow Sam's guidance, and walk down the tables of food. I grab two spoon fulls of pasta, a slice of garlic bread, and some Ceaser salad. All the actors/actresses sit down at the tables, with their fellow friends, whispering, and giggling about everything. I sit across from Sam at a two seat table, relieved from finally getting away from the crowd. "So, how do you like it here? Have you learned a few things that can help you with your acting career?" He asks nervously.
"Yes, I actually did, thank you. And this party is lovely," I smile nervously. After we both finish our dinner, we had back to the tables that now hold desert, after dinner.I look at all the deserts indecisively, which one should I pick? "You can have multiple deserts if you would like," he nods towards the other actors/actresses, reading my mind. "Oh, thank you," I laugh. "But it would probably be better for me to stick with one," I reply. He just nods his head, and goes back to picking out the dessert he wants. I ended up getting a mini velvet Bundt cake, and then walk back to the table. Sam returns back shortly. We don't talk much while eating our desert, we just exchange a few awkward glances.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, thank you all for coming tonight. Tonight, is meant to be a night to honor all British actors, and actresses." An announcer announces at about 9:00pm. "The event will conclude at 11pm, but since we still have quite some time left, let's begin the dance. If you have brought a guest, you have the opportunity to dance with them now, but if you wish to dance with someone else you will be able to. Everyone stands up, and heads to the ball room, the lights are set low, and there's low music playing in the background. "Would you like to dance?" Sam asks me, and my mind goes blank. I don't know. Part of me does, but part of me doesn't. Without thinking I say, "Sure Sam, that sounds lovely," and smile.

We walk towards the middle of the room, but stop before we reach the center. Sam grabs one of my hands, and places the other one on my hip. I'm not exactly sure we're to put my hands because I don't usually dance with many people, actually the last time I remember dancing with someone was at Prom. When the boy I had a crush on asked me to go with him. Why, did he ask me? I have no idea. I'm ugly now, and trust me I was even uglier back than. I end up putting my free hand on Sam's shoulder because is feels right. I recognize the song playing in the background it's: I'll Wait, by Kygo, Sasha Sloan, but it's slowed. At the chorus of the song, Sam spins me around three times, in row, and it I fall backwards, but Sam catches me before I hit the ground. "Emily, are you alright? I'm so sorry," Sam asks me worryingly. "No im okay, it's not your fault," I tell him. We continue dancing for the rest of the song.

But right before the next song starts playing someone places their hand on my back. I take my hand off Sam's shoulder, slip my hand out of Sam's, and slowly turn around. When I turn around, I see a 5"10', blonde hair, brown eyed, British guy, wearing a blue suit, and dress pants. "May I have this dance?" He asks, and glances at me. I glance at Sam, who doesn't look to thrilled about the offer, and then glance back at the gentleman. That's when I notice who he is. He's....Thomas Brodie-Sangster.....

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