Chapter 17

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I wake up early the next morning, with a long yawn, my eyes still closed. "Good morning beautiful," Thomas says softly, rubbing his eyes. "Good morning," I reply, pulling my hand up to the ceiling to stretch. "I saw the note," Thomas says briefly, still trying to wake up. "Huh?" I ask confused.
"The note? That Emma left? I thought you saw it, it was in the kitchen, and I know that you were up in the middle of the night," he giggles.
"Oh, you do?" I blush sightly. "Yeah, I know what your talking about," I sigh sightly, at the thought of my best friend, or who I think is my best friend. "It's okay Emily, it's okay, everything will be alright, I promise." He reassures, then give me a kiss on the top of my head. I get out of bed, and scurry down the stairs, having no idea what time it is. Thomas slowly follows me down the stairs, still half asleep, I'm not really sure he's a morning person, I laugh to myself at the thought. "What's so funny?" He asks tiredly.
"What's so funny?" I start. "What do you mean what's so funny? You are, of course!" I burst out in even more laughter. "Your  legit half asleep, and your hair is a mess," I explain to him.
"Oh, it's is? Well do I look bad?" He begins to chuckle slightly. "No, of course not," I reassure him.

"So Thomas, what would you like for breakfast?" I ask him a half hour later.
"Oh Emily, don't worry about breakfast, you've had a rough couple of days. Why don't I take you out for breakfast?" He asks politely.
"Really? You really don't need to, it's quite alright," I respond.
"Maybe it's not necessary. But if I'm telling the truth, I kinda want to," he looks down at the floor, shyly. "Okay then, I'll go get ready," I walk back upstairs to my bathroom. I start by taking a shower, and washing my hair. After, I start on my makeup, and put on my dress. I'm wearing a light lavender purple color dress, and black boots, since it decided to snow a few inches over night. As for my hair, I dry it and curl it slightly, but not much.

I walk downstairs to see that Thomas is freshly dressed, and his hair is combed neatly. He went back to his house quickly to get ready, and he looks absolutely stunning. As soon as I reach the bottom step, Thomas's eyes rise from his tie, which he was fixing, and fixate on me. "Emily," he starts. "You look-you look gorgeous," he stammers, still looking at me. I blush slightly, hoping Thomas didn't notice. "Thank you," I reply. "You look stunning," I add quietly. Thomas smiles at me, in response.

Afterwords, we both quickly walk out the door, and head into his car. The car ride was quiet, besides the few quick glances Thomas gave me, throughout the duration. As soon as we make it to the restaurant, Thomas skips around the car, and opens the door for me. Once we're both out of the car, I intwine my fingers into his, and we both walk into the restaurant together. It's a lovely little cafe, in the center of town, and it's so cute! "Thomas, this place looks fantastic!" I whisper excitedly. "I'm glad, you enjoy it," he replies briefly. We both find a seat in the far back of the restaurant, and wait for the waiters to give us our menus. Once they arrive, I order a small coffee, and scrambled eggs, which I've always enjoyed throughout my life. On the other hand, Thomas orders a cup of tea, and a chocolate crepe. As we wait for our food to arrive, Thomas asks me a few questions. One of them is when I'll be leaving, and heading back home. I tell him I'm supposed to leave in less than a week in a half, but that I might stay a little longer, since there's nothing that I have to do back home. "I hope you stay longer," he says quietly, and reaches his hand over the table to reach mine. Then, our food comes, and we enjoy our breakfast peacefully, with just a few comments here, and there.

Forty-five minutes pass, before the waiter finally comes over to our table, and hands us the bill. I take the folder that hold the bill, and get out my wallet. I've made it my mission to pay for this bill, after all the kindness, and support Thomas has shown to me, these past couple of days. But before I can slip my credit card into the folder, Thomas pulls it away from my grasp. "Thomas, what are you doing?" I ask quizzically. "What do you think I'm doing?" He responds with another question. "Emily, I'm not sure if you understand, but there is no way in the world, that I'm letting you pay for breakfast. This is my treat, thank you very much," he grins kindly. Before I can say anything else, he slips his own credit card into the folder, and hand delivers it to the waiter siting up front. "He's too sweet," I giggle to myself, well watching him hand it to the waiter.

"Well, we should get going, don't you agree?" He asks, holding his hand out for me to clutch. "Yes I do, yes I do," I say, accepting his hand. We hurry out, and head back into the car. There's no chatter on the way back to the rental home, Thomas just occasionally checks his phone, and I fiddle around with my lavender dress. We get back, Thomas and I still holding hands as we run into the house. We both sit down on the couch, and turn on the tv. "Thomas, I just wanted to say thank you for breakfast, you've should me so much kindness in the past couple of days. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you." I explain too him, with the distant sound of the news playing on the tv. "No, thank you Emily, you are the most sweetest person in the world, and I would do anything for you," he replies back, slowly.
"Oh," I chuckle to myself. "Even after, what Emma said about me," I look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact the best that I can. "Emily, I could care less about what Emma has to say because I know you. I know the true you, and I know that your wonderful in every single way, and if anything Emma is just jealous of you because she sees how perfect you are. I don't think your boy crazy, I know that you aren't, your not that type of person. Your the best person I've ever met in my entire life, and I mean that. I promise," he finishes his thoughts, and raises my head, for me to look at him. "And you want to know something?" He questions. "Last night, when you woke up, and let go of my hand I woke up. I thought you were leaving. That you were going to go, and leave me there all by myself, I was going to go after you, but I had felt something. I felt something in my heart that told me, you were going to come back, and that you just went to get something. Sure enough a few minutes later you did, and I didn't fall back to sleep, until you placed your hand back into mine."
"Really?" I murmur.
"Yes, really," and with that he places his hands on my face, and moves closer to me. Seconds go by, our faces moving closer, and closer, and then, there's no space between us. Our lips are together, and all I can hope is that they stay that way.

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