Chapter 22

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Emily's POV:

The next morning, I wake up with a quiet yawn. The last thing I remember before going to sleep was reading, and once I get out of bed I expect to hear the loud thump of my book hitting the floor, just like it does every morning. But to my surprise it doesn't, that's when I notice the book sitting on the night stand. I guess Thomas placed it there last night, I blush at the thought of Thomas doing so.

I head to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, and get ready for the day. I take a shower, wash my hair, and take care of regular morning hygiene. Then, I change into my dark denim jeans, and light pink sweatshirt, for makeup I keep it simple today. Just a bit of concealer, foundation, mascara, and I curl my lashes. After I'm all done, I head downstairs hoping to find Thomas. I thought about it a lot during my shower,  and I think it's finally time to start thinking about making up with Emma.

"Good morning," Thomas greets me, as my foot  reaches the bottom step. "You look fantastic this morning, just as you do every," he smiles.
"Thank you," I return his smile softly.
"Well, I stoped by the bakery this morning, and picked up some muffins," he explains. "Hope you like blueberry!" He chimes in, and hands me one. "Thanks," I say, grabbing the muffin from his slowly. "My pleasure," he replies. We both sit down at the dining table, and start to unwrap the bottom of the muffins. "Thomas, I need to tell you something," I begin. Thomas nods his head, taking a bite of his muffin. "I think, I'm going to talk to Emma, don't you think it's the right thing to do?" I question him. "I think, you need to do whatever you think is right," Thomas replies. He places his hand on mine, and gently rubs circles on my wrist.

"Just be you, and everything will be alright-," he continues, but I interrupt him. "I promise," I mimic he words, trying to conceal a laugh. "Hey, last time I checked that was my line!" He says, making a pouty face. "Thomas, I hope you know you look, and sound like a five year old, right now," I try to tell him, with a serious expression. But I end up failing, and erupting with laughter. He laughs along, and we continue giggling for what feels like forever, that I almost forgot to explain to him what I want to do with Emma.

"Anyway, I have a question, please answer completely honest, okay?" I question him.
"Okay," he nods.
"So, I thought it over last night, and this morning, and I thought that maybe Emma and I just need a break from each other, while on this vacation. So do you think I can stay here for next few days? Only until my birthday, that's the day I was planning on attempting to officially make it up with Emma. I'm so sorry Thomas! I know I'm being a burden, so if you don't want me to stay just tell m-," I rant, but he cuts me off. "Emily, of course you can stay here, what are you talking about?" He asks.
"Nothing, I just thought you would get annoyed with me or something, and my biggest fear in the world is upsetting people, and-," Thomas interrupts my words once again. "It doesn't upset me, if anything it makes me ecstatic, and I would never, ever, get annoyed with you." He finishes his words, and brushes my cheek slightly with his hand. "I promise." He adds quietly.

I try to make words come out, but no sound brushes past my lips, no matter how hard I try. I don't know why, but thank you just isn't enough to express the words I feel. I can't just tell him thank you, instead, I just look down at the floor. I stay that way for a few minutes, but by the time I lift my head up from the ground, I come to find Thomas, inches away from my face. He glances at me with his medium brown eyes, then he takes my face in his hands, and kisses me passionately on the lips. "If that doesn't explain to you how ecstatic I am about you extending your stay here, I don't know what will," he explains slowly, a minute after. I giggle slightly, "Thomas, thank you so much, for everything, and I mean it, I really do. I don't know how I'll ever repay you, I have no idea, but I'll figure something out," I reassure him. "I'm sorry to have to tell you Emily, but you don't owe me anything, because these past few days have been the best thing you can have ever done for me. Now, let's stop thanking each other," he chuckles. "And why don't we discuss this little plan you have to make up with Emma?" Thomas continues. So, that's exactly what we do. For the next hour and a half, I tell Thomas everything I'm going to say to Emma, word for word, and by end of my explanation, he tells me he agrees with every part. Full heartedly.

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