Chapter 4

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Before I can even say anything he grabs my hand, and leads me inside the restaurant. "Okay then, let's head to the back of the restaurant. I reserved part of it, so it would be more peaceful." He tells me. I turn around, and see Emma smiling, and giving me the thumbs up sign. I roll my eyes at her in a jokingly way, trying not to start laughing hysterically. Sam turns to me, "Is there something wrong?" He questions me. "No, this place is lovely. Thank you Sam." I smile at him.
"Of course," he replies back, still smiling. We find our way to the table, and Sam pulls my chair out for me. We exchange eye contact for the first time tonight, but just for a moment, before we both turn our heads away.

"I'm going to sit in one of the tables down there, if you guys don't mind." Emma announces to the both of us. "Of course not, sit wherever you please," Sam responds. I nod in agreement. "So Emily, do you live here in London, or are you just visiting?" He asks me still attempting to avoid eye contact. "Oh, Emma, and I are just visiting," I answer his question nervously. "Well that's nice. Why were you visiting?" He inquired. "Was it so see family or something?" He continues. How in the world am I supposed to respond to that? The only reason I came to London was to meet him! But I can't just tell him that! I look at Emma for guidance, but she's just messy around with her hair. "Oh, it's just that my best friend, and I have always wanted to visit London, and do some sightseeing here." I half lie.
"Yes, London is a very beautiful place," he chuckles. "I actually know a park that isn't that far from here. It's only about three miles from here to be exact, and it's absolutely gorgeous. Would you like me to take you there tomorrow? If you get there first thing in the morning, you can watch the sun rise." He looks at me. I turn my head slightly in the other direction so I can glance at Emma, and see what she thinks. She's nodding her head, and smiling so I take that as a yes. "You would? Thank you, that sounds perfect."
"Okay, then!" He smiles his happy smile. "Would you like me to come pick you up at your house tomorrow morning than? Let's say 6:30?" I can't say anything, so I just shake my head up, and down.

Eventually the waiter comes, and takes our orders. I order ravioli, and a side salad, Emma orders a grilled chicken salad, and Sam orders Chicken Alfredo pasta. Well we wait for our food to come, Sam asks me a few more questions, about where I'm from, what I do, and more simple, friendly questions.

Once our food comes, I don't feel very hungry. I still have butterflies in my stomach, and my heart continues to thump in my chest. A few minutes pass and Sam gazes up at me, "Emily? Is there something wrong? Are you okay? Is something wrong with the food?" He asks worryingly. "No nothings wrong," I half smile at him. To avoid getting asked anymore questions, I just eat my food. I'm the last one to finish dinner, but it doesn't seem like anyone minds, I've always been a slow eater. "Would either of you care for any dessert?" He question Emma, and I. "That would be splendid!" Emma shouts out. She always did love dessert. Then Sam turns to me, "What about you Emily?"he turns to me. "I'm okay, thank you though," I respond looking down at my plate. I glance up to see that Sam doesn't have the same smiling, happy, joyful expression anymore. "Are you sure? Why don't you just get one? Or you can share with me, if you want. I never end up finishing my dessert anyway," he giggles.
"Are you sure?" I say, lifting my head up, and messing around with my hair. "I would be delighted to," he grins.

When the waiter comes back, Emma orders a plate of brownies, and Sam orders one huge scone for us to share. The dessert comes back quicker than the dinner had before. The waiter hands Emma her dessert, and puts Sam's, and my dessert in front of us. Sam grabs a knife with his strong, rough hand, and cuts the scone is the middle. He than grabs two smaller size plates. On one he places the slightly bigger half of the scone, and then passes it to me. He takes the smaller half. "Are you sure you do want the bigger piece?" I protest.
"No it's fine Emily, don't worry. I've been to this place many times before." He reinsures, and then places his hand on top of mine, but he quickly moves it when he notices I shudder. We all eat our dessert in silence, after where done the waiter comes with the check. I just assume we're all going to pay half, so I slip my credit card into the book. But a split second later Sam takes my credit card out of the book, and passes it back to me. "I'll pay the whole check today, okay Emily?" He raises his head up, so he can look me in the eye. "Are you sure?" I double check with him. He just nods, and slips his credit card into the booklet. A few seconds later the waiter comes back to the table, grabs the booklet, and leaves. "Thank you, Sam," Emma, and I both thank him at the same time. "It was my pleasure," he says to the both of us, but only looks up at me.

The waiter returns with Sam's card, and we all stand up to leave. Emma takes the lead, while Sam stays behind her along with me. Once we're out of the door, he turns to me, and whispers, "I hope you enjoyed dinner."
"I did, thank you very much," I say even quieter. "That's enough, you don't have to thank me anymore," he looks down avoiding eye contact. At this exact moment a strand of my hair falls out of place, but Sam looks back up, and fixes it. I see Emma in the corner messaging someone, and then I feel someone put their hand on the back of my neck. But I already know who it is. It's Sam. I've become too familiar with his touch the past two days. He starts to lean in closer to me, and I do the same. Our lips are less than an inch away from meeting, when we hear a phone ring. Emma's.

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