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Five days later:

"Beep! Beep!" I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm ringtone. I take in a deep breath, and stretch my arms up to the ceiling. I've been staying at Thomas's place for the past couple days, and I've had an amazing time. Thomas is just so sweet, I can't describe it in words, I love him. I just wish I knew if he felt the same. I frown at the thought. That's when I remember what today is, "it's my birthday," I whisper softly to myself. "It's my birthday!" I announce a little louder, almost not believe that the day had come so soon. I reach over to the bedside table, to grab my phone, but that's when I see a paper letter. Not to sure of what it is, I pick it up, and slowly unfold it, to reveal the neat writing in blue print.

It reads:
Dear Emily,
Happy 29th birthday! I'm so happy to be able to celebrate this remarkable birthday with you this year. You have showed me so much kindness, and my only mission in life is to make you happy. I'm sorry that I'm not home right now, but I needed to get a few things done. If your not too mad at me for not being home, I would be the happiest person in the world if you met me at this park, only about ten minutes away from the house. (I will text the directions to you later, right when you should get ready to leave.) I know that you are planning to go back to the rental home, and celebrate with Emma at 6pm, so I've arranged for us to meet at the part at 5pm. I can not wait to see you there, and I hope you have a great day.

From, Thomas.
(Ps: there's a treat for you downstairs, hope you enjoy!)

Reading Thomas's letter makes my heart leap, and flutter, but it also makes me sad, since I won't see him until later. I sigh slightly at the thought of not seeing Thomas all day, but then I slip out of bed, and head downstairs, into the kitchen. As soon as I step into the kitchen, I'm completely thrown into shock. There's a basket on the table filled to the brim with goodies. Over the past couple of days, Thomas, and I have become very familiar with each other. I learned a lot of new, and fun things about Thomas. For example, he's more of a cat person, which made me laugh out loud since I've always hated cats, but we both agreed that there both cute anyway. I take a closer look into the basket, and closely examine everything inside. There's all of my favorite snacks, candies, plus there's a few books, and movies inside as well. "Aww," I say to myself as soon as I see what's printed on the front of the basket. It's a photo of Thomas and I, he's wearing a dark blue turtleneck, and I'm wearing a light pink one. It was Thomas's idea a few days ago, and I think we coordinated perfectly, I grin at the photo. Then, I open on of the chocolate bars in the basket, and take a bite, deciding to have it for breakfast.

After a while, I take a shower, and get all glammed out for my birthday. I put on a black sparkly dress, with black leggings, and boots. I decide to go on a walk around Thomas's neighborhood since I have nothing else to do for a few hours. On the walk, I pass by a little stream and decide to sit down for a few minutes, just to relax a bit. I feel peaceful, even without Thomas by my side, I feel calm. These past few days have been some of the best of my life and if I'm being honest. Thomas is one of the main people that cause me any sort of happiness, well don't get me wrong, my family does too, but this is different. Before I can continue thinking, I hear my phone beep, and look down to find a message from my mom. It just says happy birthday, and she tells me that's she'll call me later. My parents already know all about how Emma, and I have been talking lately. They also know about how I've been staying with Thomas, and they said that I'm lucky to have met someone as nice as him. Whenever they tell me that, I just repeat the same words, "I know."

An hour, and a half later I get back to Thomas's house. I check my watch, and see that it's about 3pm already. I start getting nervous, knowing that I have to go to the part, and meet Thomas soon. It's not that I don't want to go, I'm just a little scared that I'll embarrass myself in front of him. I decide to just have a little salad for lunch today, since Thomas, and I are going to pick up take out later, before we go to the rental house.

I finish lunch rather quickly, and then head upstairs to read my book. I'm hoping reading will make the time pass by a little faster, and I'm so close to finishing, I can't wait! I take a seat on the bed, and pull the cover over my legs slightly. Finally, I grab my book from the nightstand, and begin reading. I start by reading just one chapter, but that soon turns into two, three, and so on. My eyes start to get heavier, and heavier, I try to keep them open, so I can continue reading, but sleep takes over my eyes. Before I know it, I'm out cold, and the book drops out of hand, and onto the floor.

I don't know what time I wake up, but a little bit later I do. I wake up to the soft sound of one of Thomas's neighbors cutting their lawn. I let my eyes adjust to the bright light of the sun setting, and I reach to my side to grab my phone. Once I unlock my phone, I see that I have over three messages from Thomas, and that's when I notice the time. It's already 4:50pm, and I see that Thomas has already sent me the address. So I get out of bed, fix the covers, then run to the mirror to fix my makeup, and hair. After I brush my dark wavy hair out quickly, I walk out the front door, and start walking to the spot where my Uber is going to pick me up. Once my Uber arrives, I step into the backseat of the car, and go on my phone to text Thomas that I'll be there soon. I then decide to text Emma, and let her know that I'll be at the house in less than an hour. I see that she reads the message, but she doesn't respond. It's doesn't bother me that much, but I was expecting at least a, "happy birthday," or something, but I guess not.

A few minutes later, the Uber reaches the park, I thank the driver, and then let myself out of the car. I walk through the main path, and start looking around for a sign of Thomas. But I don't see him, and I start to get concerned. I grab my phone, getting ready to text him, but before I can, I feel someone's hand slip around my back and pull my into a hug. "Happy birthday Emily!" Thomas whisper shouts, through the chilly cold air. "Thank you," I reply, my breath visible in the air. "Care for a walk?" He asks me. I nod my head, and link my arm with his. "I love the dress your wearing," Thomas tells me. "It looks perfect on you," he continues. "Just as everything does," he quickly adds, and finishes. I smile at him, and he returns it. How I've missed seeing him today, it feels like I haven't seen him for days, and I have no idea on what I'm going to do when I go back home. Because for some reason, I feel as if I couldn't live without him. His precious smile, warm hugs, chocolate brown eyes, messy dark blonde hair, his reassuring words, and everything else about him. I'll miss him, that's a fact, but I feel something more. It's just-, but my thoughts get cut short. "Did you enjoy the gift?" He questions me, running his free hand through his hair. "I didn't just enjoy it, I loved it," I respond graciously.
"I'm so glad, I didn't know what else to get you it's just, I-," he tries to speak, but I interrupt him mid sentence. "No, it was perfect, absolutely perfect," I give him a reassuring look.

We walk for a few more moments until we pull up beside a huge, leave less, snow covered tree. "Would you like me to take your picture?" Thomas asks. "I brought the good old camera," he chuckles, holding up his black cannon camera. If there's one thing I've learned about Thomas that I didn't know these past couple of days, is the he absolutely loves taking photos. "Sure," I giggle softly. I slowly walk towards the tree, and strike a fashionable pose in front of it. I hear Thomas snap a few photos, "wonderful," he says, walking towards me.

After he's only a few feet away from me, I see him reach into his pocket, hesitantly. And before I can even say, or do anything, Thomas kneels down on one knee. That's when I see him take out a small, dark, navy blue box, and when he opens it, I see a slim, silver, diamond ring. "Emily, I know, I know, this might be a little surprising, and I know that we just met, but I can not express the amount of happiness you give me every single day. Before I met you, I wasn't complete, I had the feeling that something that I needed, wasn't there, but that all I changed when I first saw you at that party. I saw you, wearing your beautiful ivory colored dress, with you long curly hair, and I fell in love immediately. I felt a connection towards you, that I've never felt between anyone else before in my life, and I just knew that you were the one. So, I made a move, and asked you to dance because I know, that if I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here, we wouldn't be standing here, and I have no idea how I could live like that. Emily, I care so much about you, I would do anything for you, if you told me to run across the Sahara dessert with nothing but the clothes on my back, I would still agree. Because, I love you, I truly do. So, Emily, today, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" He finishes, and I have no idea on what to do, or say....................

To be continued.........

(There will be a squeal to this book!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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