Chapter 16

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I pull away from Thomas once I hear the sound of Emma's voice. "Ugh, she's just so boy crazy, I swear she's been like this since the sixth grade." I hear Emma tell Sam, annoyingly. "She's so selfish, I swear why do you even like her Sam? You're some big time celebrity, and you want to waste your time with Emily? Huge mistake Sam, huge mistake. If I'm being honest, if this relationship thing with you and Emily ever worked out, you would regret meeting her in the first place. I know I do. I never wanted to be her friend." She continues her harsh words. "If I'm being honest, I kinda just felt bad for her, she use to be a totally different person. Would wear her hair up in pigtails, and would always carry around like seven books with her. I don't even understand why Kacper likes her, oh I forgot to mention, that's her guy best friend. Yeah sorry Sam, that puts you even farther in line, but like I said she's boy crazy, always has been, and always will be." She finishes.

My eyes start to form even more tears, now I'm standing by my bedroom door. Thomas is fiddling around with the bed's comforter. I know he heard every word, I know Emma said every word as loud as she could on purpose. I spent so many hours with her, in person, and on the phone, and this is how she repays me. There would be nights, where she came crying to me for help because a guy rejected her, or she got a bad grade, and I always helped her full-heartedly. But now, she's just going to throw that all away, just because of a guy. She must be insane. I start to whimper quietly, my legs become weak , and I fall to the ground. Thomas rushes over to me, and grabs my hand. "Emily! Are you alright?" He asks worryingly. I nod my head in response, to weak to say anything. "Hold on let me help you," he says, dropping his phone, which he was holding. Without warning, I feel Thomas lift me up from the ground. One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders, the other wrapped around my shins. He walks over to my bed, and lays me down. "I think you need to get some rest," he says softly. He starts to make his way towards the door, "Wait," I began. "Can you stay?" I ask him, half asleep. He turns his head to look at me, and then back at the door. My eyes are already halfway closed, when he replies, "of course," and gives me a light smile. He pulls up the vanity chair, places it right next to my bed, and plops down. Right before my eyes close, I reach my hand out, and grasp onto Thomas's hand lightly. He holds my hand softly, but firm, and then places his free hand on top, rubbing soft circles on my wrist. Now, I can't be too sure, but before I drifted off I swear I heard Thomas murmur three soft, short words, "I love you."

I wake up a few hours later, to find Thomas sleeping peacefully on the chair, still clutching my hand. I slip my hand out of his gently, and get up to fetch a glass of water. I walk down the stairs, and head to the kitchen. I quietly open the cabinet, grab a glass, and turn the faucet on. That's when I notice a note, sitting on top of the island, and it's from Emma. All it says is, "Sam invited me to stay at his place for the night, E-."
"What?" I whisper out loud. Well, at least she was nice enough to leave a note, but why the heck would Sam invite her to his place. I've never even been to his place before, what's going on? Honestly, I could care less, good for Emma, at least she isn't here anymore, for now at least. I turn around towards the microwave, and check the time, it's 12:56am. I don't even know what time it was when I fell asleep, the only thing I can guess, is that I've been sleeping for at least four hours. I tip-toe back up the stairs, and quietly slip through the door of my bedroom, trying not to disturb Thomas. I place my cup of water onto the nightstand, and slide into bed. I slowly feel sleep start to overtake me once again, but before that, I slip my hand back into Thomas's. Then I drift off peacefully, without a worry in the world.

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