Chapter 19

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Emma walks into the door, with Sam close behind her. Why the heck did she have to bring Sam? What is she trying to prove? I sigh, when I see them both walk in. Thomas feels, how I tense up all of a sudden, and he puts his arm around my shoulder. Emma doesn't say anything at first, just takes off her shoes, while Sam stands there awkwardly, looking at me. "Who's this?" Emma asks calmly. "Oh let me guess," she starts, before I can answer. "Another one of you boyfriends?" Emma finishes, with a sigh. "No," Dylan stands up from the couch, and walks towards Emma. "I'm Dylan, Dylan O'brein, a friend of Thomas." He replies, and extends a hand out for Emma. "K, whatever you say," Emma says quietly, shaking Dylan's hand. "Come on Sam, I need you to help me fix that shelf in my room," Emma breaks the silence a moment later. She grabs Sam's hand, and leads him to her rental room. They pass us, and Sam looks at Thomas, and I, we're still holding hands, and I can only imagine what Sam is thinking. So, instead of looking back at Sam, I keep my eyes on Thomas, his dirty blonde colored hair, and dark chocolate brown type eyes. "Sam hurry up!" I hear Emma call, who's already up stairs. Sam stops looking at us, and nervously walks up the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asks me a minute later, after Sam, and Emma have both gone up the stairs. "Yes, I'm okay," I respond briefly. Thomas runs his hands up and down my back, calmly. "Good," he adds.
"Who was that?" Dylan questions me.
"Oh, umm," I start, not knowing what to say. "That's my best friend, Emma, I guess-,"
"Hold on," Thomas interrupts me. "Best friend? Really Emily? After all she did too you? And you still consider her your best friend? Emily, Emma doesn't deserve that title. She doesn't deserve you. Your so wonderful, and fantastic, and amazing, to the point that someone like Emma shouldn't be able to be in your life. Don't take this in the wrong way Emily, but I just want the best for you. Always." He explains to me. "I know, but maybe, maybe-," I try to respond, but get interrupted one again. "Emily, who can't defend her because there is no reason why she said those things about your the only thing she can do now is apologize, and the only thing you can do is try to forgive." Thomas finishes all is thoughts. "Your boyfriend's right," Dylan says. "I don't know what exactly happened here, but he's right, fully, and completely right." He finishes.

"Thomas, can I show you something?" I ask him a couple minutes later. "Yeah, sure," he says back. I motion him to follow me up the stairs, "oooo Emily wants to show him something in privateee!" Dylan  calls after us. I just roll my eyes, and continue up the stairs, "you can come to if you want," I tell him annoyingly.
"Nah, you two  go spend time with each other or whatever, I want to finish watching the movie," he responds gleefully.

I lead Thomas into my room, and shut the door behind us. "Have a seat," I nod towards the chair he had slept in last night. I walk over to my suit case, and fiddle with on of the compartments, until I find what I'm looking for. Then, I walk over to my bed, and sit next to Thomas. "I brought this from home," I giggle. "It's a photo album or my family, and I," I explain. "Oh, can I see?" he smiles at me, fidgeting with the ends of my hair, like he always does. "Well, I didn't bring you here to just admire the cover," I chortle sarcastically. Without hesitation, he helps me open the cover, and we start looking through all the photos, together. "Is that you?" He points out a picture of five year old me in front of the Christmas tree. "Yes," I start laughing uncontrollably. Thomas lifts the album out of my hands, and examines the photo closely, "aww you were so cute," he chuckles to himself. "Just like you are now," I hear him quietly murmur.  He flips through a few more pages, my head leaning on his shoulder as I glance down at my childhood. It seems like all these pictures were taken ages ago, when in reality the newest picture in the album was taken five years ago. "You've been to Hawaii before?" He questions me with astonishment. "Yup!" I reply happily.
"Cool, I've always wanted to go there," he glances at the photo again. "Well maybe we could go there together, just you and me." I say without thinking. I study him, as he smiles at the thought, and then answers, "that would be nice." For the next half hour, Thomas and I flip through every single page of the album, we share laughs, smiles, words, and reassurance. In the back of my mind, I kept questioning myself, questioning myself about everything. When I had first met Thomas, I was torn between to people, one being him of course, and the other one being Sam. But now, I question myself about how I ever was torn, why was I torn? I have no idea. Thomas makes me calm, he gives me hope, it makes me happy to see him happy, and that's when I realize, I love him. I love Thomas with all my heart, but I don't know if he feels the same way completely, and I'm too scared to admit.

"Thank you, for showing me that Emily, I loved seeing you, and your family grow up. Your family seems wonderful, hopefully I'll be able to meet them one day," he thanks me happily . "I hope so too," is all I reply. He opens his arms wide for me to hug him, and I oblige. Whenever he hugs me I feel so safe, and I know that nothing will happen, as long as I stay close to him. But then, the door budges  opens, ruining a perfect moment between Thomas, and I. I expect to see Emma at the doorway, maybe even Dylan, but instead I see Sam.

For a moment, Sam just stands there, glancing at me in Thomas's arms. Then he begins speaking, hesitantly, "oh, umm, Emma had told me, the bathroom was on my right, she might have meant my other right." He ends his words, still looking at Thomas, and I. I try to read his face, but he's too good of an actor. I feel like I see a tinge of jealousy, maybe even anger, but one thing I see for sure is sadness. "Well, I'm sorry, I'll be on my way," and with that he scurries out of my room, and heads to the restroom. "Well that was awkward," I sink farther into Thomas's arms. "Hey listen, it'll be okay, I promised you remember?" He inquiries. I nod slightly, and he places his chin on the top of my head. A few seconds later he breaks the silence, "I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable but would you like to spend the night at my house? Only so, you don't have to spend it with Emma, since I know you two are still upset with each other." I don't know what to respond, of course I would be fine going to Thomas's house, but I don't want him to feel like he has to offer me to come. "It's okay, I don't have to, I don't want to be a burden on you," I say shifty my head against his chest. "Emily, look at me," he tells me, and I shift my head again so that my eyes meet his. "Your not a burden, in any way, shape or form, so if you want to come, I'd be more than happy to have you as a guest," he reassures me, and gives me a warm smile. "Okay," I nod my head.  "Great!" He responds, nicely. I stay put, in his arms for a few more minutes, my eyes close, and all I think about is how I feel safe.

"Well, I'll go get some stuff ready, then," I announce, and start to get up from Thomas's grasp. "Wait," he says before I can completely leave, and he kisses me on the cheek. "Now you can go," he chuckles. I smile at him, and head over to my bathroom, so I can pack my toiletries.

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