Chapter 11

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"Emily, if you don't mind, it's almost 10:00am so I should be going, I'll call a tow company, so they can take my car. Thank you for everything, that was very kind. Have a good day, oh and tell Emma goodbye, from me as well." I tell Emma, two hours after the morning disaster. "Oh, are you sure you don't want to stay for lunch? It's totally okay," Emily asks me with her sweet American accent. As much as I want to say yes, and stay here longer, I decide against it. "No, it's okay. I have your number, remember, I'll text you later," I wink at her. Why the heck did I just do that? I'm a idiot. Before Emily can protest, I slip out the door, and call the tow company.

After I get my car fixed, I head to my house, and slump onto my couch. "What just happened?" I whisper ask myself. I'm so confused. Are Emily, and Sam a thing? Did I just ruin their relationship? "Just breathe, Thomas. Just breathe." I repeat to myself for what feels like forever, but it doesn't seem to help. I thought Emily, and Sam were just friends, and that's the only reason why I asked Emily to dance. I asked her for her number because as soon as I saw her, I felt a connection. I don't know how, or why, but I just know I did. I wanted to be nice, and that's why I drove her home, I didn't know my tire was going to become flat. I made her breakfast because I knew it would be a way for me to repay her for her kindness. She's the most kindest, sweetest, most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. She acts so bubbly, and always has a smile on her face, well.......she didn't when Sam came. It's all my fault. I bang my head on the back of the couch, and rub my temples. All I can hope is that Emily forgives me, and would still like to be friends. That's all I can hope.


As soon as I left Emily's house I sped down the road, and raced to the restaurant that I took Emily, the day after I met her. I didn't come there to have a meal though. I came there to remember. Remember everything that happened that night, and everything that happened after that. I never expected to find Thomas at Emily's house, why was he even there for? Yesterday, I had watched Thomas take Emily, into the hallway, but I had thought nothing of it, and left right after. What makes Thomas different from me? Is he really that better? What does she see in him? How I wish I knew......And why? Just why? Did Thomas ask Emily to dance in the first place? Why would Emily invite him into the house she's staying at? I didn't think Emily was that type of person, but maybe I was wrong, I thought she was pure, and genuine. I guess, you have to know people longer than three days before you judge them... I get out of the car, and step onto the sidewalk just in front of the restaurant. I still remember that nice evening with Emily, she was wearing a beautiful blush pink dress, how I wish I could go back to that day. How I wish. "Sam," I hear someone whisper sightly. I recognize the owner of the voice even before I turn around. It's Emily. I turn around, and confirm what I already's Emily. As soon as we make eye contact, I walk as fast as I can, and try to slip back into my car. But before I can, Emily grabs hold of my hand. "Sam," she whispers again. I can't bare look at her, I don't know what I feel. Jealousy, sadness, anger, who knows? And why? I don't have anything even close to an answer. It's not like Emily likes me anyway. She didn't do anything wrong. I'm a horrible person. I put Emily in such an awkward situation. Why? I turn around, and look at Emily. She lets go of my hand, and stares back. "Sam? I think we need to talk."

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