Chapter 3

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Yasmine Wood~

"Mrs. L emailed me, you must be Yasmine," the teacher smiled. "Yeah," I answered awkwardly. "Welcome," she added. I looked around for a empty seat but didn't find one. "Find a seat at that round table. Two more students are coming in as well. I guess I have a full class this year," she chuckled lightly.

I tentatively made my way down the aisle. I was nothing but a slight troublemaker and a girl who didn't take back talk, but some of these kids seriously would kill a bitch. It wouldn't look good for me to trip and fall on my face. I already look like a bum who hadn't cleaned her ass in twelve days.

As I took my seat the teacher looked up. "Oh, all cell phones or other electronics at the front, Yasmine."

"I don't have mine on me today," I mumbled.

"Speak up, dear," the teacher called out.

Some heads turned back to look at me. I avoided looking at their faces too closely, even what they were wearing. I only needed to focus on body language. "I don't have my phone," I said louder. "Alright," the teacher responded, clearly not believing me. She continued her lesson.

Mrs. L slipped her head into the door just as the bell rung. "Oh have..two students here, Miss Checks. But I guess you'll have to meet them next class."

Since I had nothing to pack up, like some other kids, I headed to my next class. We all stuck to the same route. The next person's class was mine. We could only take basics here. All extra classes had to be made up at school, unless they happened to have them here. I complety doubt that they have Choir here. Adults walked the hallways to make sure no fights broke out and I tried to look away. I hated being observed. Being told what to do. I wasn't an animal. I had to make enough adult decisions that I shouldn't be treated the same as some of these kids who have never had to walk more than five miles to go to the library because their parents weren't home. And because even if they were...they would probably make me.

I hugged my jacket tighter to me. Rules were actually enforced here versus at school. Where I could get away with wearing a hood on my head maybe except for in one class or in the cafeteria at school, if I so much as look at my hood, I'll be met with a glare. I followed my group to the next class. Two teachers were in there and a third one joined shortly after. The teacher told us that he had came to claim some of "his" students. Three people left, but I didn't look at them too closely.

Now there were only two teachers. "I'll return them before the bell," he assured the other two before leaving. "Alright, I'll be your..." I stopped listening after I understood it was math. I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes. I heard a loud noise next to my ear. It was someone's key chain and their keys. Do people really get paid enough to disturb people who don't care?

"No time for sleeping. You aren't here for that," one teacher told me. She was far shorter than me with a curly mohawk and purple contacts. "Lemme alone," I mumbled and laid my head back down. This time I was tensed up for another slam but I didn't get one. About fifteen minutes flew by and someone threw a paper ball at me. I woke up to find a class staring at me. I instantly shrunk like a sponge and tried to mask my face into emotionless.

"Since you wanna sleep. The whole class will watch you sleep. You're still here to learn. What's your name? I'm going to have to report this," the mohawk chick said. "What's your name?" I asked lazily. "Miss Tena," she answered. She picked up the paper ball , glared around the class because no one knew who threw it, and shot it at the trash can. Some people hyped up her basket but she turned back to me. "Name?"

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