The Green God

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You guys are lucky, you get it a day early because I have two exams tomorrow and don't expect to be able to post it then. You're welcome <3



Percy hummed, drifting in the water of the river. His fingers curled lazily, slowly guiding the water to curl around trash and sweep it out of the river.

He'd come to a decision over the summer while Triton was gone, a new goal to work towards.

Well, not really new , but a goal he'd been ignoring.

He was gonna learn how to pull water out of plants.

Katara learned it in season three, it was a hard skill, but Percy was determined to figure it out.

And once he learned that, he was gonna pull water from the air too!

Water was everywhere, Percy would never be without a weapon.

He had a small tiny minor problem though.

He didn't have any plants.

He lived in the middle of a big city, so while there were plants... none were in the little nooks that would allow him to work with the plants and practice like he needed to.

He tried asking Triton about it, but he'd just frowned and told Percy he didn't need to worry about that yet. He then declared it was time to practice more with his trident.

Percy didn't understand Triton's obsession with tridents, but it made him happy, so Percy was learning to use a trident.

It was kinda fun, even though Triton kept kicking his butt.



Percy found a solution a few days later. In central park there were a lot of plants, and he'd managed to find a little hidden grove to practice!

Unfortunately... it was slow going.

He could feel the water in the plants if he focused hard enough, curling lines of water dashing through the plants, but pulling it out... that was a whole 'nother matter.

He was beginning to get frustrated, how did Master Katara do this so easily?

Well... he supposed it was really the crazy evil blood lady that did it more...

But Master Katara still figured it out! She was so cool, so much more powerful than Percy was now and she'd done all that in just a year. He'd already been training for over a year and still hadn't gotten anywhere near her power.

But he would reach her level one day, maybe even surpass it.

He'd rewatched the show (again) and had come to the conclusion that he was about as strong as mid to late season one Katara. He could do some of the things that she couldn't then, but also couldn't do some of the things she could.

He would improve though, just like her, and become the best waterbender ever!


In the end, it took over a month.

A month of slipping to Central Park for a couple of hours after school before continuing to the river.

A month of nudging, yanking, and yelling at the plants to get water while receiving nothing.

A month of frustration and almost giving up. If not for Master Katara, he might've done so.

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