I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus

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Hope you enjoy the chapter :)

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It didn't take me long to pack.

Carl wished me luck as I gathered everything and then reminded me to avoid spas and also pack a toothbrush and double check my weapons and be extra wary of Gods offering assistance because apparently they always want something.

I found that a bit strange. Obviously there would be trades for assistance, that was just business. Triton would help me without that, he was my friend (brother), and Lord D had been nice (mostly). Most sea Gods would help others if it was beneficial to them. I wasn't sure why I was warned not to take the Gods' assistance.

If I could have Triton's aid right now...

I stared at the rainbow stone longingly. I wanted to call Triton but I didn't know if that would make things worse. He said to wait.

I left the rainbow stone where it was and shoved my medical kit in the bottom of my bag then added any of the other things I had that could be useful. The armor, a few changes of clothes, the storm calming stone, and my ocarina. I strapped my knife to my side and hooked my waterskin over my shoulder and headed off to the Aphrodite cabin.

I informed them of my quest, but apparently they'd already heard of it. Silena agreed to feed Carl while I was gone thankfully.

I was about to leave when Mitchell stepped forward with a braided hair tie held in his hand, a dove charm hung off the end.

"For good luck, the Aphrodite cabin stands with you."

Silena tied my hair up again, using the new hair tie. She gave me a hug and made me promise to come back while Lacy wished me luck and Drew told me not to mess up.

I beamed, feeling warm. They were like family to me and it meant so much that they were supporting me like this. It made me more determined, I would succeed, for them, for my mom, for all of the people of the sea.

I had to leave but I gave Drew and Silena one more hug first. Then I headed off to the Demeter cabin.

Katie tugged me in when I arrived and the cabin quickly checked to make sure I was ready for my quest.

Apparently Katie heard about it through the grapevine so the cabin was all set for it.

Miranda was the one to hand me a good luck charm for the quest, a carved pine pendant shaped like a scallop shell. Unlike the one from Aphrodite, this one had a carving on it in Ancient Greek.

Take care, Take heart, Take honor, and your journey shall give you success.

It felt like sunshine and safety and brought me comfort as I slipped it over my head.

Imani stepped forward with three seed packets (that tasted like warm bread), a determined look in her eyes as she explained what they were.

Katie, Darius, and Suki had apparently worked together to make the packets. They'd been experimenting with making seeds that had enhanced growth so it took less energy for them to summon plants and these were the results.

There were three, one set of trumpet vine (which grew the fastest and tangled like crazy), one set of Manchineel (don't touch those trees if you want to live, they're super dangerous), and one set of hogweed (don't touch those if it was daytime because that would end badly).

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