Chapter Twenty Four.

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After your conversation with Akaashi he walked you home hand in hand.

His hand felt warm in yours, like it belonged there.
His touch made you feel comfortable and you couldn't help but desire his touch for the rest of your life.

When you finally approached your house you noticed a small package sitting on your doorstep.
"Look like you have mail." Akaashi said, pulling his hand away so you can retrieve the box.

On the top was a small note.

I feel bad for everything that went down last night...I regret yelling at you and stealing from you.
I'm not in the right head space and for that I'm sorry.
I hope you can forgive me.
-Your father.

You put the note in your pocket and opened the box, to your surprise, it was a brand new phone.

"I bet he payed for this with my money..." You mumbled.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"No it's okay... You should go home. I'll be okay." you said not breaking eye contact with the box.

" me with your new phone tomorrow when you leave." He wrapped his arm around your waist.

You nodded your head and grabbed your keys out of your bag and turned to Akaashi.
You kissed him on the cheek and gave him a half smile.

"See you later okay?"

"Okay..goodnight y/n" He said as he started to walk away.

"Goodnight Akaashi." You mumbled under your breath.


That night you played on your new phone, lucky for you, your sin card was still intact in your old phone, so you could add it to your new phone, and we're relived when you say all your old Info was saved.

Cutie😉: my new phone working! Talk about missed messages...

Keiji.A: Sorry...

(Cutie😉 change Keiji.A's name to:

Keiji💘: You're cute
~Read @8:56pm~

You decided to call your aunt and tell her what happened. She was probably worried sick about you. Though you only had one missed message from her.
You explained about your father and how you took the spare key, so he couldn't pull that stunt again.
She sounded worried and wanted to come home to make sure you were okay, but you declined and told her to stay at work.
She put up a good fight, until she was paged to the OR. Leaving you victorious.

You spent the remaining of the night drawing or reading a Manga.
It was gonna be one of those nights where you wouldn't sleep.

As the hours passed you finally watched the sun rise.
Admiring the beautiful colours it created in the clouds.

You continued to watch till you heard the door open downstairs.

Oh.. She's home?

You left your room and were greeted by your aunt.

"Good morning hun.. Oh.. You didn't sleep did you?" She said tiredly.

"No.. Sorry.."

"Its okay hun.. I understand, do you know what today is?"

You nodded your head.
She dropped her bags and ran over to you to give you a hug.
"I'm so sorry hun...but it'll get easier as time goes on."

Will it though?

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