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I've been standing here for ages

Counting the seconds

The earth beneath my body kept moving

While I kept standing still

I was waiting for someone to see

My big smile and outstretched arms

Bleeding and soaked

But still filled with warmth

But no one saw me

It felt like I was invisible

My mind turned darker and darker

While my heart broke deeper and deeper

All my life I've been searching

For someone, anyone to need me

For someone to want me

And now it feels like

I've been looking for something that didn't exist

I'll do anything for the ones I love

But I'd kill to have someone

Who wants me in this world?

To feel wanted and needed

Has been my biggest craving all along

I am sorry, but I cannot be selfless

This time around

It's hard to wake up and go on

When all you want to do is leave

It's difficult to survive

When your heart is so naive

I've been living feeling this shit

Unwanted and unloved

It feels like I've been a burden

And now I just want to quit

I never had a place in this world

And leaving it would not hurt

But I want to remind you of one last thought

I am still waiting for someone to love

My broken soul and my unhealed heart.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now