Would you stay?

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If I held your hand

When you are about to leave

Would you stay?

If a teardrop falls from my eyes

When I smiled to say goodbye

Would you stay?

Would you stay

Just because I want you to stay?

I am too afraid to let go

Even the slightest separation

Feels like forever

My mind constantly wondering

What if in those few moments

Your demons break you

Your mind consumes you

And you give up and follow

Them to your doom

I am afraid that

If I do not speak

I won't ever hear you

Except for the nights

When terror strikes you

I am afraid that

If I do not hold tightly

You'll break free and go

Willingly or unwillingly

I don't know

But it is not something that

I want for you

I want you to be able to smile

Without me telling you a joke

I want you to be able to talk

Without me nagging you

I want you to be able to cry

Without me bringing it out from you

I want you to be able to live

Without me giving will to you

I want you to love yourself

Even without me loving you

That's all I want

A forever of joy, happiness, and content

Where even if there are dark roads

What you remember is only the bright ones

How you stood tall

With the rising sun and setting moon

How you wiped your tears

With never-ending perseverance

And how you learned to love yourself

By starting the journey towards you.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now