It's been a long time

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It's been a long time right?

Since you and I talked

Like the sea and the moon at night

You might be wondering

Where did that get lost

That feeling of comfort and home

And I wouldn't instantly have an answer

But at the back of my mind, I know

That somehow along the way

I changed the way I look

At people at things and at my surroundings

I've always found it hard

To express my feelings without any regard

So sometimes I pen down these emotions

Just to try to get my point across

This time too I'll write down all that in my heart

In hopes of making you understand

That even if I don't talk

It's just a phase that'll soon pass

We are yet to establish

Whether we are one

Or poles apart

But no matter the connection

We still have our own protocol

Whether it be the cheesy talks

Or the dirty flirts

Or the deep rumbles

Of our hearts

We've always been

Each other's confidants

You've always been there

For me when times were rough

And I'd apologize to you

Because I failed to return that love

But the thing is that ever since

That time when I was completely broken

All my dreams of being in love with myself


I haven't been the same

I felt that void within me

A dark and lonely abyss

But what was new

Was this tiny flame

A small nagging desire

That coerced me to start anew

So I started again

The process of healing

It wasn't easy at first

Everything seemed like a downward spiral

But I persisted on

And with every fall

The idea of not ever reaching that goal

Was abominable

In all this, I became so preoccupied

Picking up and fixing all these pieces of mine

Until all began to blur

Except for this burning desire in my mind

I know I've been ignorant

Too bad of a friend

Even now on your birthday

I talk about what I am feeling

Instead of how good a friend you are

You must be wondering

How could I do this

Even after all we shared

But I'd beg on my knees

To request you to wait for me

So that I can repair myself

And then get back to you

With the same vigor

That I held in my heart when we first met.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now