Happy new year?

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Today marks the beginning of a new year

A new beginning

A new atmosphere

Maybe the stars are twinkling extra bright

In hopes of bringing light to this darkness of past

To give new hope to lost hearts

To make them see how

There is always a beginning after an end

How sometimes all you need is a deep breath


Today some hearts are extra gloomy

Their skin crawling from

The never-ending pretending

"Hey, happy new year "

The words tasting bitter and ignorant

Of the diminishing light from their eyes

Of the sound of their broken heart

Of the darkness of their uncontrollable mind

Of the pain of the lost child

I want to scream

Scream so loud that my voice reaches every ear that made me feel unheard

Every heart that made me feel broken

Every mouth that spoke words of poison

But nothing is coming out

Cause maybe I do not have anyone to blame

It's me who did this to myself

So, I scream, I sob, I fight, I go numb

All within myself

No one is ever there to stop me

Or to hold me

Or to tell me, "Hey, it's okay. I am here "

Or to make me feel less lonely

Cause nobody knows

The struggles I face

The tears I stop from falling

The scars that I stop from bleeding

The pain that I stop from showing

I don't want to be a freak in their eyes

The drama queen fishing for a slice

All I want is to be someone

Just like everyone else

Can't I have that,

Without feeling like a crazy sociopath?

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now