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Why do I remain caged in tethered remains of my unchangeable past?

Why do I torture myself with memories that moved so fast?

Why do I still feel responsible for the misery of a broken heart?

Why do I keep reminding myself of that beautiful start?

Why do I keep burning myself in the fire of a painful end?

Why do I keep standing still when time slips away from me like sand?

Why do I keep closing my eyes in search of sweet oblivion?

Why do I keep opening my eyes in fear of my demons nearing satiation?

I have played and lost a game of love

Which was never even meant to be played

So why am I melancholic

When I am not even the one who was betrayed

They say you reap what you sow

And even if you make a good start

Sometimes you can't help but feel lost

I was good at giving my heart

But I lacked the ability to understand someone else's heart

That's why I stand here alone

With love flowing out from the cracks of my broken heart,

But it all goes to waste

Because the stain of my past is too hard to ignore.

Withering petals of my hurting heartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora