Unspoken Feelings

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I have something to say

I am waiting to speak

The things that I buried

Deep inside of me

The stories that I lived

A thousand times

Each filled with terror

Each making me cry

Today I want to speak of all my sins

Hoping that it'll help me get rid

Of this growing burden of endless guilt

Which is making me sick

You might be wondering what crimes I did

That made me so miserable

Are they even real crimes?

Or are they just my delusions?

Good question I might reply

For I am not sure myself

My whole world is a delusion

So, do you want to try?

But enough of this chit chat

Let's get to the point

I have countless sins to atone

And I am short on time

In my not so long lifetime

I've been hurt a lot of times

All this hurt kept piling

And slowly began to blind

I saw the world as tainted

With faces painted white

My god, people are so fake

It's a bitter truth that many fails to realize

I harbored inside of me hate

But also, a vulnerable child

Who wanted to hurt everyone?

But still cried when they cried

It's funny right

This battle of my mind

You see this is what I live

Each day and each night

My reality is my mind

Whom I blindly believe each time

I do not doubt it

And it lets me survive

But the day isn't far

When both it and I

Will tire each other out

And then slowly

We'll both fall apart

Until there is nothing left in and out.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now