Dark night

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The stars are twinkling bright tonight

Maybe acknowledging my plight

Trying so hard to light

A fire inside my hollow eyes

It's like they can feel the darkness that hides

Behind my careful face and twisted smile

But I laugh as their attempt is futile

Someone so dark can never come to light

Nobody sees what I keep behind

My innocence is just a confine

That holds a demon designed

For destruction of all kinds

Do you know what it feels like?

To see someone's demise

Hit by my demon's strike

Maybe you want to sympathize

Seeing their poor sight

But I feed my monster in the cold nights

By reminiscing these good times

The pleasure I feel

It's difficult to describe

Cause you have never experienced

A fear of your own mind

But if you did then you would understand

How you laugh when you want to cry instead

Because something inside you is satiated

And what remains outside always writhes in pain

This mind confines monsters that are untamed

Maybe you would say I am completely insane

Of Course, I would agree with you for your sake

Secretly laughing at that funny take

Because you don't know what insanity is,

If you haven't seen me playing my game.

Withering petals of my hurting heartWhere stories live. Discover now