Chapter 4

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Time slowed down as I fell from the Timber Wolf, into the depths of the cliff. Pinkie Pie tried to catch me,but failed. I closed my eyes and prayed for a miracle to happen, and just than pinkie shouted from atop,"YOU HAVE WINGS YOU KNOW!"

Wait? I have wings?! Now she tells me! All I had to do was learn to control my wings. Without thinking I felt a stretching sensation from the top of my back, and immediately I flew up like an arrow.

Next step, flap them and twist them to turn which ever direction I choose. I knew I had to get that pony down there, so I imagined a Hawk going for its prey, and went free flying all the way down to the ground. As soon as I was a good distance, I turned at the last second before hitting the ground and circled the Timber Wolf.

Pinkie was shouting encouragement and randomly fetched Pom-Poms out of no where and cheered. I readied my hooves to catch the pony, and flapped my wings as fast as I could muster and swooped down and caught Pinkie. Geesh she's heavy! I nearly let go of her, but managed to get a good grip on her.

All the Timber Wolves got freaked out and ran away a long time ago, but now only one remained. Instead he freaked out like the others and ran off. Go figure.

"Where do you live," I asked as I flapped over the woods.

"I live in PonyVille," she replied.

"Ok, but I need directions."

"Just keep going straight," Pinkie continued," is this a good time to ask for your name?"

"Destiny Hope."

"I'm so throwing you a PARTY, Destiny!"

The conversation ended when a small town could be seen from a distance. My guess is that's PonyVille. I was doing fine so far, until I made it over PonyVille. Some other pony with wings flew right in front of me out of no where, and left a trail of rainbow. This scared the guts out of me and I mistakenly let go of Pinkie...

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now