Chapter 6

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Me and Rainbow Dash glared at eachother for a short period of time, until I finally stated,"You don't understand." I then went past her and sort of limped/ran away from PonyVille into the Everfree forest.

I teared up as I ran, but I didn't care anymore. I didn't care who heard my wails. I didn't care about anything. All I cared about right now was finding Princess Celestia and demanding for her to turn me back into a human.

After running for eons, I stopped and turned around to make sure no pony was following me. So far so good, but I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing that I left a trail of blood.

Thinking about all that has happened to me made me break down, because I knew that I would always be an outsider no matter what. I would always be the trouble maker, and the one that every pony blamed on. What's the use of friends if they're just going to someday betray me?

My leg was bleeding more than ever, and I couldn't move my wing because it was swollen and broken. Some day I had!

"What is wrong my Pegasus friend." I am not in the mood to deal with ponies.

"Look, i'm not..." When I looked up to see who the voice came from, It wasn't a pony at all, it was some weird creature who looked like a Chicken, Dragon, Antelope, and some other creatures that not I could distinguish.

"What's wrong, you've never met such a Magnificent creature like me," the creature put both of his hands under his chin and blinked.

"No, I just can't tell whether to run, laugh, or just look at your 'magnificence' in awe," I kept my distance between me and this creature.

"Relax, I was a loner too like you, Destiny Hope."

"How do you know my name?!" Ok, that's creepy if this creature knows my name.

"Oh, I know everything about you, Destiny Hope," the creature continued,"I know that you were back in the other dimension a troublemaker and wanted attention. I know that before you were a loner you were..."


"Because I work for Princess Celestia, and she sent me here to oversee that you're learning about friendship."

"But you just said that you were a loner."

"I WAS a loner, Destiny Hope, WAS," the creature continued,"and since we're going to be friends, let me introduce myself. My name is Discord." This was getting on my nerves.

"Look, I don't need any 'friends'," I continued,"and all I just want is to have a quiet life, and forget about 'friends'. Friends always turn your back on you at the last second of the toughest time in your life." I teared up again and cried all over again. Gee, Destiny your a big baby, just shut up and man up. Discord started to approach me.

"No, just stay away from me," I got up and ran off even farther into the Everfree forest. It was stupid of me, because he would've been my key to finding Princess Celestia. Nice move, Destiny. Without looking where I was, I nearly fell into a stone cavern.

"Destiny Hope, comeback, I didn't mean any harm," CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! Either I deal with Discord, or fall into a stone cavern. I didn't like either, but it was a good thing when I spotted near by a stairway leading exactly where I wanted to go. SCORE!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think twice, I limped, worse than ever from running, down the staircase and into the stone cavern. I entered the cavern, and was immediatly overwhelmed with darkness. It was that pitch black in there.

"Hello?" as soon as I yelled out those words, a seering white light could be seen in the distance. More cautionously, I walked slowly towards the light. Every step was a withering pain from my leg, and everystep I took, I trembled worse eachtime. When I finally had one more step to go, the light bightened even more than ever, and I shook from the fear that was coming up. I shook off the fear, and went into the light and was shocked to see... a... tree? No?! It was no ordinary tree, it was the most dazzeling tree. Its intricate structure was made out shining bark, while its branches dangled circles of light. There was six branches, each with a ruby on its end. In the middle of the bark was a sparkling star, while under the star was a sun, which looked a whole lot like Princess Celestia's mark on her bottom, and a moon.

I just looked at it, flabbergasted at how this was even possible, when suddenly the tree grew at the bottom a blossom, and then the blossom opened up to reveal a... drink? How's that even possible?! The container was the same style as the tree, except it had a nozzle to drink out of and it was small. My instinct told me to drink it, but my curiosity got the best of me. I grabbed the bottle with both of my hooves, dranked a sip, and blacked out...

Through the other dimension: a MLP Fanfic (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now