Weird Mall Day

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Hey guys. Sense you seem to want me to update. I decided I am. You're welcome.

****************May's POV**************

"Hey chicka! Get up. We're going to the mall." Says my best friend Kayla. I look at her. Not happy at all.

"Why are we going. And do I have to?" I asked grumpy because we woke me up at "7 AM!" I yell at her. She looks at me sheepishly. "Maybe I wanted to go to mall early?" I look at her annoyed. "Okay, I'll get up. Leave the room though."

"Okay!" Then Kayla leaves the room.

I take a shower, put on some clothes then walk into the kitchen to see my one true love. Bacon! I run over to the stove to grab some bacon, only to see there isn't any!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I wailed out. "The bacon is all gone!" My mom and Kayla looked at me. Then Kayla slowly gets up and hands me a plate of bacon. "Oh." I look up sheepishly. "I knew that. Haha" I scratch my neck awkwardly and look around the room. Then I notice another person in the room. I look at her curiously. My mom noticed me looking at the random girl in our kitchen. "Oh honey, this is Tabitha. She's Derek's sister." I look at her confused. How come we didn't meet her before? As if reading my mind Tabitha answers my question. "Me and my dad decided that we didn't want to ride the plane so we drove here." I just nod.

"Let's go to the mall!" exclaims Kayla. She then runs out of the room. I see Tabitha chuckle we then walk out of the house into Kayla's car. While we are in the car my favorite song comes on. I start singing lowly then near the end of my song I'm practically screaming the song. Kayla is just chuckling at me whilst Tabitha is just grinning. We ride into the mall and park then we walk inside. "What stores should we go into?" I ask everyone. "Forever 21!" exclaims Tabitha and Kayla at the same time. "Forever 21 it is."

Then we start walking towards Forever 21.

2 hours later

"Holy crap." I sigh out. That was so flicking long. It felt like forever. Those girls can shop. I look around and notice Derek and his best friend, Trevor. I look over to Tabby and Kayla. I poke them then point over to the boys. Kayla looks shocked while Tabby looks mad. She walks over to them.

"Why are you here?" she asks harshly. Derek just looks over to me. Tabby looks to where he's looking and just nods in understanding. "Do you guys want to come with us?" asks Kayla. Derek and Trevor nod enthusiastically. I just look at them weirdly and start walking towards the food court. "Come on guys!" I yell at them because they're being way too slow for my liking.

Derek catches up to me and just starts to walk besides me. "What're you doing?" I asked him.

"What does it look like." he replied, "I'm walking beside you right now. Where are we going right now?"

I look at him the say, "Food court." Then keep walking. I look around only to find everyone else gone. "Where is everyone?"

"They left us."

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