Chapter 11: The Temple of Mask

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I woke up with a start and hit Jim's face hard.

"Owwwww," screamed Jim rubbing his forehead. "Why did you hit my head?"

I answered also rubbing my forehead, "You could have just called my name and back away."

Jim stared at me for a long time and said, "Yeah."

"By the way, what time is it now?" I asked.

"One o'clock in the afternoon," replied Jim.

"Okay, then. Let's roll," I said

We got out of the cave and told our teammates that we're ready to go but we were on a hill full of rocks.

"Hey, guys? You thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Jack.

"Use that rock skiing thing that the professor gave us?" Jim asked.

"Exactly," Jack said.

"Well then, let's go!" I said as I took a card like metal and press a button. The card turned into a rock ski. Cool. I attached it to my leg and jumped down the hill.

"Come on guys, this is sick," Jack said as he did the exact things I did.

Slowly, one by one my teammates followed me.

This rock ski really is cool. It's like skiing on ice but it's just on rock. We all skied until we reached inside the temple.

"Wait." I told my teammates.

I threw a stick into the temple's entrance and at the wall and a bunch of long-range arrows were shot from far.

"Whoaaaaa," said Jack. "How did you know that was going to come, Mike?"

"I had a dream about the temples traps which is really convenient," I replied.

"Of course, it is, lead us the way out the temple with the bow and arrow," said Sarah.

"Of course," I replied.

We continued until we reached the narrow pathway. When we reached the middle of the pathway, I told them to jump right after me. I walked and jumped over the transparent pressure plate. All went well until I heard a click of a pressure plate. I turned and looked at Jack.

"Oops," said Jack. "What happens now?"

"We're roasted by flamethrowers, Jack!" I shouted at him. "Run now!"

We started running for our lives. While we were running, fire from the flamethrowers started to come down. The fire was coming down fast. So, I guess this is the end of my life, but hope came.

"I'm able to carry all of you and get out of this pathway," said Ryan peacefully.

"Okay, Ryan. Better do it fast because here comes the fire!" shouted Valentina.

Ryan carried us with his big beefy hand and ran on his top speed which is 95% speed. Wow, that is like a speed of a racing car. While Ryan was running, my teammate's hair were flying. My hair was flying too. We almost reached the end of the pathway when fire fired at end of the pathway. Ryan stopped immediately and we went forward but Ryan caught us.

"How are we going to get across the fire?" asked Sarah.

I was thinking of a solution when a thought hit me.

"I will fire the flamethrower," I finally said.

"O.... kay how are you going to do that?" asked Jack.

"I know where the flamethrower is. I can shoot it." I replied.

"What are you waiting for? Just shoot that hot flamethrower," shouted Valentina.

I aimed the flamethrower and fired my rifle. The plasma hit the flamethrower and it burst. We all ran fast and furiously.

"Wow, that was close," said Jack.

"Well, we won't have been roasted if it you haven't stepped on the pressure plate!" shouted Jim.

"Oh yeah, I could hit you with my wreaking ball like right now," said Jack.

"Oooo, that is so scary. Wanna fight?" asked Jim.

"You bet I will," said Jack.

They started to fight violently when Valentina spoke, "Boys, let's not fight, okay?"

They stopped fighting and Jack said, "Okay."

"You seriously sound like the daughter of Aphrodite," said Jim.

"Excuse me?" asked Valentina.

"Sorry, just saying," said Jim.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

They all answered, "Yes."

"Good, lets continue our mission," I said.

We continued walking until something from the walls shoot out a razor-sharp disc blade.

"Duck!" I shouted at my teammates.

They all ducked and razor-sharp disc blades started to shoot out from the wall.

"What are those things?" asked Sarah.

"Those are razor sharp disc blades from Cybertron's weapon. Those weapons crashed on Earth. Don't worry, another team's picking it up," I said.

"Well, that isn't important, we need to get out of here," said Sarah.

"Come on guys, let's continue, I said.

I knew what to do. I used my turbo great sword to hit the disc rapidly and told my team to do the same for the surroundings. Valentina and Ryan do not need to do it because they do not have melee weapons. We passed the third trap and went to a very big room. The room was made of pyrite. There was a small chamber with Apollo's Bow and arrow on it.

The Hunt of the Shadows Book 1: The Light of DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora