Chapter 14: Going Home

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The air in Delos was fine and windy so when we run, the air was hitting us, and our hairs was flying everywhere. A few minutes later, we reached the place where Valentina shot the arrow. The place is called Cynthus. My team was on the mountain. I and Jack climbed the mountain and we saw my team thinking of a plan to send a distress signal to the agency. We walked up to them. When Ryan saw us, he told my members that we survived the robot's hunt.

"Have you taught of a way to send a distress signal to the agency?" I asked.

"No," answered Valentina.

"We could use the distress gun that Johnny English used," said Jack.

We all looked at him and said, "It's not funny, Jack."

"Okay, I will lay down my joke when time is not right," said Jack.

"You have to find the right time to make jokes, Jack," said Ryan.

"Okay," said Jack.

"Valentina, you could use your bow and arrow to shoot the arrow to the freemason city," I said.

"It is impossible," replied Valentina.

"Nothing is impossible to an ancient weapon, Valentina," I said.

"Okay, if you say so," Valentina answered.

Valentina took out the bow and arrow and shoot the arrow to the location of the agency. The bow's momentum is very strong. When Valentina shot the arrow, the arrow just flew straight and fast. The arrow sliced through the air.

"Wow, I never thought the bow's momentum is so strong," said Valentina surprised.

"Ancient weapons are legendary and strong, they will never become weak," said Ryan.

"We did not know that," said Sarah.

"Well, I know because the professor told me about it," I said.

"Wow, our leader knows everything," said Jack.

"Be quiet, Miller," I replied.

"By the way, how long does till arrow reach the city?" asked Sarah.

"Thirty minutes. Why?" asked Ryan.

"I'm seeing a ship full of robots with a shadowry 'M' with a building on all of the robot's chest," said Sarah.

"Ryan, record this message to the professor," I said.

"Affirmative," said Ryan.

"Hey, come over here. I have something to tell you," I said.

My team came and I told them the words I wanted to tell them.

"Team, the mayor is the bad guy," I said.

"But why would he be bad?" Sarah asked.

"I have no idea, but he tried to kill us with his secretly made robots," I replied.

"Mike, I think you have to ask the mayor," said Valentina.

"What?! No, I won't be risking my own life," I replied.

"You have to, it's the only way," replied Jim.

"Okay, I'll give it a try," I said.

"Time to kick some butts," said Jack.

We started to run to the robots. The robots saw us, and they ran to us holding a double blade scythe. The weapon is very deadly. All the robots have that weapon. Valentina just shot the arrows at the robots. Ryan was made of nanotech. So, he can change his hand into any weapon he wants when he is in nanotech mode. He is very epic. When he is in nanotech mode, he turns into a normal robot almost like the terminator robots, but the eyes are blue. So, when Ryan gets wounded, he will recover himself using nanotech. Ryan just turned his hand into a sword called Strom. The sword has two sharp tips. Around the blade, there is lighting running. Ryan can shoot the lighting around the blade to the enemy. When he slices or stab the enemy, the lighting will taser the enemy until Ryan takes his sword out and the enemy will die. I like this sword. Okay, back to the fight. So, Ryan used Strom to stab and slice his enemy. Jim used his sword to stab the robots. He modified his sword. His sword's hilt was made of crystal. The cross-guard of the sword is curved. The sharp point of the cross-guard is near the blade. The point has a mercunium energy that charges the blade with the energy. That energy can be released by Jim's choice. The blade is also made by mercunium. He got those resources in the cave and use it to modify his normal sword. Jack use his wrecking ball to hit the robots. He was just hitting robots like he was drunk. Sarah just sneak behind the robots and destroy it. When she sneaked behind the robots, the robot just looked around to find Sarah. Sarah just sneaked behind the robot and sliced it in half. Then, she continued to sneak behind other robots. Valentina shot her arrows to the robots. A robot tried to sneak up on her, but she saw it coming. She lifted her leg and kicked the robot's groin. It didn't react. Valentina took an arrow from her quiver and stabbed the robot in the head. It fell with the arrow on its head. Just then, two giant robots holding the same weapon as the other robots came. Jack looked at it and ran to it. I ran to the giant robots too.

"Jack, what do you think of those robots? I asked him.

"Piece of cake!" Jack replied.

"Then let's kick their butt!" I shouted.

"Oh yeah!" he shouted.

We ran to the robots. Jack pressed a button on his wrecking ball, and it became an epic sword. Its tip is very sharp. The blade is thin and charged with mercunium energy. Jack can charge it if he wants. I changed my great sword into a thin and long sword charged with powerful and dangerous mercunium energy. I can release it when I want to. My sword's blade has mercunium energy running around the blade. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. The battle. While we were running, the robots smash their scythe on the floor which was a very big mistake for them. The floor shook and we jumped to the robots. Usually when you jump, you only jump like three feet high but with the impact on the floor, we were like flying to the robots. The robots face was dull, but we modified its face. Do you know how? I'll tell you how. We hit the robots face and released the energy. When we landed, the robots face was badly tended in. The robots left eye was busted. The nose was also smashed too. The face looked like a piece of junk.

"Wow, their face looks like a piece of junk!" Jack said.

"Yeah. I am getting a little sick about that robot. Shall we?" I said as I raised my sword.

"Let's end this!" Jack shouted.

We ran and slashed the robot's leg. The leg cracked and we hit it with our leg. The leg broke and the robots fell.

"These things aren't that though," Jack said.

"Yeah," I said as I busted that robot face.

My other teammates were busy fighting the robots. We ran to help them. The mayor is going to find out that his robots are all destroyed. Well, the transport that is coming to pick us up is coming in a few minutes. Well, while we were fighting, we were surrounded by the robots. I'm starting to get sick of those robots. So, I stabbed my blade on the ground. I released the energy and all the robots exploded.

"Wow, Mike got the rage," Jack said.

"Not rage, I got sick of those robots," I said.

"I think you really got sick of them already," Sarah said.

"Be quiet, Hennessy," I said.

"Here it comes!" Valentina said.

We looked up to the sky and saw our transport. It picked us up and I was ready to go home. 

The Hunt of the Shadows Book 1: The Light of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now