The next morning

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They all had breakfast at the hotel. Peter had gotten up first, so he got his breakfast first. Gamora saw Peter sitting there. She got her breakfast and joined him. "Hey Peter." She says to him. "Oh, hi!" He says. Seeing her sitting there made him feel good. "How'd you sleep?" Peter asks her. He still looked half asleep, but tried to look awake. They eat, looking at each other constantly. Mantis finally woke up and went to get breakfast. "Hello friends!" She says with a smile on her face. She didn't look tired at all. "How do you not look tired?" Peter asks her. "I don't get tired." She says. They look at her confused. How would she not get tired? The rest of the boys woke up. They joined them. Rocket looked at Gamora and Peter with a smile. He had an idea to mess with Peter, but he needed Drax's help. 

They finished up and went to do their own thing. "Hey, Drax, over here!" Rocket said, trying to get him over there. "Wanna help me mess with Peter?" Rocket says. "Uh Ok!" Drax says, he was confused at first, but he decided to help. "So here's the plan, You need to try to get Gamora to get away from Peter as much as possible. So like when he comes to talk to her, stop them from talking." Rocket explains. "So, basically we have to be a total asshole then." Drax says. "Well when you put it that way it doesn't sound as good, but sure." Rocket says. "On it." Drax says. 

They both see Peter walk up to Gamora. "Hey Gamora! I gotta tell you something!" He says. He was distressed when he was talking. Drax walked up to Gamora. Peter was about to get her attention, but Drax pulled her away to talk to her. "Oh, I'll tell you later, I guess." Peter said. He still looked distressed. 

Every time Peter tried to tell her what he was trying to tell her before, Drax or Rocket would keep stopping him. "Agh, I really need to tell Gamora what I found out, but Rocket and Drax keep getting in my way." Peter says to himself. This kept happening and happening until Peter couldn't stand it. "Gamora!" He yells. He saw Drax and Rocket going towards Gamora. He pulls both of his guns out and faces them to the sides where Rocket and Drax were coming in to stop Peter. He puts the guns down once he reached Gamora. "Gamora, Thanos is coming! He found a stone!" Peter exclaims. This was what he had to say all along. "Oh my gosh Peter! How long have you been hiding this for?!" Gamora yells. Rocket and Drax were shocked. They had stopped him from telling Gamora this big secret. "How Long?!" She yells. "Uh, uh, A we-" He gets cut off. She grabs him by the shirt and pulls him close. "How Long!!!!" She wasn't asking him anymore, she was forcing him. "A week." He stutters. "A week!?" She yells. "I've been trying to tell you but Drax and Rocket keep pushing you away from me!" He says. Gamora Looks at Drax, then at Rocket. "It was Rocket's fault!" Drax exclaims. "Rocket!" Gamora yells at him. "What? I thought it would be funny." Rocket said. "Funny?!" Peter and Gamora say at the same time. "Damn it Rocket!" Peter said. "Thanos is on his way, we need to be prepared." Gamora said.

To Be Continued...

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