Why Thanos?

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Thanos brings Quill back to his layer, where him and his other children hung him up by the ankles and wrist. "Why are you doing this!" Peter yells. Thanos doesn't turn to look at him. "I'm doing it to teach this galaxy a lesson." He explains. "Killing people is not teaching a lesson." Peter says. The things that held him up had the power to electrocute the person that was being held by it. Peter knew this, so he tried not to say anything that could anger the titan. Peter glares at Thanos. A single tear comes out of Peter's eye. All he could think about is Gamora. Thanos walked over to Peter. He put his hand under Peter's jaw, wiping the tear with his big purple thumb. "Don't worry, no one will miss you," Thanos says, "I know what the others say about you, well except for Groot." He goes on. It breaks Peter, but he doesn't want to believe him. "Rocket finds you very annoying, so does Drax. Also, don't think Gamora will ever love you, let alone, like you. I know her, I raised her." Thanos says. That did it. Peter was about to break down, but tried not to.

Thanos wasn't planning on killing Peter. He saw his strength and knew it would be stupid of him to kill Peter. He wanted to make Peter his like he had with Gamora. "Young one, you will join me in finding the rest of the infinity stones, and together, we will be at peace." Thanos explains. "I'll never join you!" Peter tried to get that sentence out of his mouth clearly, getting past the tears. "Oh trust me, you will." Thanos says with a smug look on his face.

To Be Continued...

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