The Plan

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"Ok guys, we need a plan." Peter said. "One of us will distract while Mantis will get to Thanos' head and make him weaker. Once this happens, Drax and Groot will get the gauntlet off of his hand. He'll be powerless without his little tool." Peter says. "So who's gonna be the distracter?" Rocket asks. "I think Quill should distract." Drax says. "He's really good at it, remember that time with Ronan? He'll be able to distract Thanos." Drax says confidently. Peter nodded his head, he was on board with this plan. "Wait, are you sure about this Peter?" Gamora asks, she looked worried. "I'll be fine, don't worry." He says with a smug look on his face. "Alright, Thanos will be coming soon, so lets all separate into our positions. Remember, the main goal is to get the infinity gauntlet before Thanos can find the rest of the stones." Peter explains. They all walk out to do their own things, getting ready for battle.

Gamora walked up to Peter. "Are you going to be ok?" Gamora asks. "Don't worry, ok? I'm gonna be perfectly fine." He says reassuring her. He kisses her. They shared a moment together. They didn't know if it would be their last. Peter acted like everything was ok, but deep inside, he was still afraid.

To Be Continued...

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