How Will This Work

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Peter woke up to a shocking feeling in his stomach. "Wake up Quill!" Corvus yelled. "I'm up, I'm up!" Peter exclaimed. Peter fell to the floor. The machine was off. Corvus grabbed Peter's arm tightly and lifted hin up. "Come with me." Corvus said grabbing him. Peter didn't want to get shocked anymore and decided to cooperate. He brought him to a room with a giant chair. It was Thanos' throne. Corvus kicked the back of his knees to push him onto his knees. He was weak and almost fell on his face, but caught himself with his hands. Corvus put his hand on Peter's collar of his jacket, pulling him up. Thanos walked in and sat on his throne. "Hello boy." Thanos said. Peter didn't say anything. "I know you want to leave this place young one, but you wont. If you don't join us, this will be the end of you." Thanos explained. Peter didn't want to join Thanos, but he also didn't want to die. Thanos looks at him with a smug look on his face. "How about we higher the stakes? You pick one of the options and..." he stopped to think for a second. He used the reality stone to make Gamora appear from the ship to Thanos' lair. She was shocked for a second and saw Peter. "Peter!" Gamora yelled with relief in her voice. He was okay. "Gamora!" Peter said trying to get up to hug her. Corvus shocked him again. Oeter let out a scream of pain. The pain had gotten unbearable. Gamora tried running up to Peter but was stopped by Thanos. He grabbed her jacket, pulling her close to him. Peter was able to get up again. Corvus grabbed him again. "As I was saying, you pick one of the options we gave you, or she dies." Thanos said with a stern voice. "What!?" Peter said, "how is that fair!?" He continued. "Pick, your life or hers." Peter was put in such a bad position at that moment. He thought to himself for a second until he started to speak. "Let her go." He said. Thanos looked at him. "Are you going to join us?" Thanos asked. "Never." Peter said. "Death it is." Thanos said, letting go of Gamora. "What!" She yelled. "Just, promise me that you wont hurt her or any of the other Guardians. Please." He said. His voice quivered as he spoke. Thanos nodded. Thanos moved his fingers, letting Corvus know to let go of Peter. He fell to the ground. Gamora ran up to him. "Why did you do that?" She said with tears coming out of her eyes. "I couldn't let you die." He said. "But you're going to die!" She exclaimed. He wiped her tears away with his fingers. "I'll be fine." He said. Thanos walked into the room again. "I need the soul stone and since I need a human sacrifice, you'll have to do. We must find out where it is first. I think I know who knows where it is." Thanks said looking at Gamora. "Both of you, come on." He said, leading them to a room.

To Be Continued...

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