Don't do it Peter

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Thanos snapped his fingers, signaling the other children of Thanos to let Peter down. He fell to the ground, falling on his stomach. He slowly got up, but struggled. Thanos walked up to him and put hand under Peter's chin, lifting his head up, making their eyes meet each others. "You will become more powerful than any of the other guardians will ever be." Thanos whispers. Peter didn't know what he meant by it, but he knew that he didn't like the sound of it. Thanos moved his arm, pointing to a cell. They carried Peter to the cell door then threw him on the ground. They locked the door.

The cell was a small room with bars as doors. It was spaced near Thanos' throne, so he could keep an eye on him. He didn't know whether or not the rest of the guardians would come and save him, but he had low hopes of that ever happening. He knew that Gamora knows this place very well, since she had grown up here. Peter managed to move himself up to the wall to rest his head, since there were no beds, no chairs, just a dark, empty room. After 30 minutes, he fell asleep. There was nothing to do in there besides sleeping. He thought to himself, "Will I ever get out of here?"

To Be Continued...

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