A Talk

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"What's going on Gamora?" Nebula asked. "It's just that, I broke up with Peter." She said. "Why? You two were so happy together, what happened?" Nebula. "I'll tell you, but you can't tell him or anyone else." Gamora said. "I heard a voice when we were in the ship on our way to eat." She started. "And? It's just a voice." Nebula said. "It was Thanos. He said he would do something to Peter if I didn't call it off with him." Gamora said. "Thanos?! Why can't you tell Peter? He deserves an answer! As your sister, I say you tell him!" Nebula exclaims. "Nebula I-" Gamora was cut off. "No! He is lying there with a broken heart without an explanation! He's broken enough as it is, he doesn't deserve to keep getting his heart broken after putting it back together!" Nebula explains. She wanted the best for the both of them. "Please." Nebula asked. "Ok." Gamora said. Nebula put her hand on Gamora's shoulder. She could hear Peter's music. "I fooled around and fell in love." She recognized that song from when he showed it to her on Knowhere.

Gamora walked up to Peter's room. She saw him looking at a piece of paper. She didn't know what it said on it, but she wanted to know. It made him tear up more when reading it. He put the paper to the side and put his hands over his eyes. He couldn't keep it in anymore. He cried. It made Gamora want to cry. She walked up to his bed and sat on it next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked to her in shock. "Are you ok?" She asked softly. "I'm fine." He said, wiping away the tears. "What's up?" He asked. He didn't have anything against Gamora. He figured that holding a grudge would just be a waste of time. "I just wanted to talk to you." She said. "Ok then." He said. He still didn't look ok. "I just want to explain myself. You don't deserve to be sad about this and not have an answer why. I broke up with you because there was a voice." Gamora started. "A voice?" He said with confusion in his voice. "It wasn't just a voice Peter, it was Thanos." Peter's eyes widened. "He was threatening to do something to you and I didn't want to risk it." Gamora explained. "So you did it to stop Thanos?" He said. "I mean, I guess." Gamora said. She felt the sharp pain in her head, only it was harder this time with Thanos' voice yelling. "Why are you telling him this?! You will regret ever telling him this!!!" He yelled in her head. She grasped her head in pain. Peter put his arm around her body. He put his hand on her arm, he was concerned. "What's happening?!" Peter exclaimed. "Th-Thanos." She could barely get the word out of her mouth. The pain went away. She turned to Peter. "You need to be careful! Thanos could get you and do something bad to you!" She said. "What do you mean?" He asked. "He told me I would regret telling you about him in my head." She said. "Don't worry, I'll be fine Gamora." He comforted her. "Peter, I don't want your life to be in danger." She said. She hugged him tight. His arms were out for a second in shock, but he put his arms around her. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. Nebula walked in. "Guys, we have an unidentified ship coming close to The Milano." Nebula explained. "Thanos." Gamora said. "Peter, you need to leave before he gets you!" She said eagerly. "Not without you!" He tried getting out without crying. "Please Peter, I'll meet you again in a few hours." She said. He looked down. She lifted his head up with her hand as he did when she was upset. She kissed him and he did the same. "You need to go now Peter, please." Gamora said. "Ok." He said with a sad look in his eyes. They got up and went their separate ways. Peter ran out a different exit. When the others went outside, they saw other children of Thanos. "Gamora, Nebula, it's been a long time." Corvus said. "What do you want?" Gamora asked with a stern voice. "You know exactly who I came for. Hand him over." Corvus said. "Never!" Gamora yelled. "He's not here, go look somewhere else!" Nebula yelled. "Where's the big grape at?" Rocket asked. "None of your business you stupid beast!" He yelled. "What di you call me?!" Rocket said with anger in his voice. "Rocket chill." Gamora said. "Where is Thanos?" Gamora asked. "He is looking for Quill." Corvus said. "Oh no!" Gamora exclaimed.

Peter was running, he didn't know where, but he was just running. He heard someone start chasing after him, but he didn't look back. He stopped when he felt a cold metal pressed against his neck. It was Gamora and Nebula's sister Proxima. "Hello, you're coming with me." She said. She kneed him in the stomach. He fell to the ground. Thanos walked out behind a tree and looked at Peter. He walked up to him a kicked him. They both started beating him until they heard someone running towards them. It was Gamora. "Stop!" Gamora yelled. "You were always weak Gamora. You and Nebula." Proxima said. Another person ran up to them. Nebula. Gamora saw Peter on the ground. "Peter!" She yelled as she ran up to him. "What did you do!" Gamora said with tears. "He's going to change all of my plans for the future!" Thanos yelled. Peter started to get up. Proxima picked up a stick and pushed Gamora away, walking up to Peter. She raised it up. "Nooooo!!!!!" Gamora screamed. Proxima hit Peter with the stick. He screamed in agony. She kept hitting him with it. Gamora didn't want to watch anymore. The rest of the guardians ran up to them. "Quill!" Drax yelled. He tried to stop Proxima but was stopped by Corvus. Thanos summoned his son and wizard Ebony Maw. He lifted up the unconscious Peter by only lifting a finger. "Peter!" Gamora ran after them, but Ebony just had to flick his finger to push her away. They dissapeared with Peter. She fell to her hands and knees. "Peter."

To Be Continued...

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