Back At Home

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Gamora walks around back and forth. She was mad and upset. She couldn't grasp the fact that Peter was taken. "What's wrong with Gamora?" Drax asks rocket. "She's just mad that Quill is gone." Rocket says. They both look at Gamora from a distance. Rocket gets mad at the fact that she's acting like this for Quill. "Hey, why does she get all sad when probably one of the biggest idiots in the group get taken?" Rocket exclaims, "We shouldn't even care if Quill's not here, he was dead weight anyways!" Rocket finished. He looked mad. "How could you say that about Quill? He may be dead weight to the group, but he's still our friend." Drax says. Gamora was able to hear them since they were both very loud. She heard everything they said about Peter. She wanted to say something, but even she knew that she would break down. "Don't lie to yourself Drax, you don't like Quill. You even called him pathetic when he was looking at Gamora." Rocket exclaims. "Well, it's true, he is pathetic." Drax says. "We need more opinions," Rocket says, "Let's go ask Mantis!"

"Hey!" Gamora yells. I know that you guys care about Quill, stop acting like you don't!" Gamora scolds them. "We need a plan to get him out of there. Drax, Mantis, you guys distract while Rocket, Groot, and I will get Quill." She explains. Drax, Mantis, and Groot nod. "Why are we saving the orphan boy? What has he done for us?" Rocket says. "He has done a lot for us." Mantis says softly. "I am Groot!" Groot exclaims. "He's not only done a lot for us, but he was always there for us, all of us." Drax explains. "Ugh, fine, but done blame me if we get killed." Rocket exclaims.

To Be Continued...

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