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The Guardians were all hiding except for Peter. He had to wait for Thanos to get their. He didn't know whether Thanos would wanna fight him, or would Peter just have to distract him the way he always did. Thanos was different than Ronan. He has more power and won't be fooled as easily as Ronan was. He didn't want to let down the others, especially Gamora. They weren't trying to kill Thanos, well except maybe Drax. They were trying to take away his power.

From a distance, they heard a ship coming. It was Thanos. He landed near Peter. He stepped out of his ship, it was bigger than Peter's ravenger ship. "Who are you?" Thanos asked. "I'm Peter." He says boldly. He didn't want to seem scared, even though he was scared to death. "Quill?" He questions. "So you're the little boyfriend." Thanos says. Peter didn't know how Thanos knew all of this information. "I'd like to think of myself as a Titan kicking, long term booty call." He says. Thanos smirks. "I'm not like Ronan, you can't trick me with your earthly ways of moving." Thanos exclaims. "I sense fear in you Quill." Thanos said, watching Peter stand there. Peter started to reach for his gun, until he glanced over at the gauntlet. He already found the reality stone. He was able to make reality anything he wanted. Thanos saw Peter reaching for his guns. Thanos made his guns disintegrate into bubbles. Peter was left unarmed. "Damn it." Peter whispers. Thanos walked up closer to Peter as he backed away. He didn't expect it to go this way. Mantis wasn't able to get to Thanos' head while he was moving. He grabbed him by the neck, choking him. Thanos pushed him against a wall, holding him there. Thanos was finally still, so Mantis was able to get to his head.

Thanos sensed her coming and used the reality stone to make her body seem like paper. He saw Drax coming towards him and made him seem like blocks. Groot, Gamora, and Rocket charged at Thanos. Peter had gone unconscious. Thanos grabbed Peter differently and vanished into thin air. He had taken Peter with him too. Gamora fell to her knees. She couldn't believe it, Peter was gone. Drax and Mantis went back to their original forms. A tear came out of her eye. She didn't know how long Peter would be able to survive in their, knowing what Thanos did to her all her life when she claimed as his daughter. If he treated her badly, he would treat Peter even worse.

To Be Continued...

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