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After Filch had left, Cherry entered the defense against the dark arts classroom, where students were starting to pile in down the stairs and seat themselves in the rows of tables and desks lining up and down the classroom, with artifacts and objects, chests and books, piled up on the dusty shelves on the edges of the room, covering corners of windows, leading all the way up to the front of the room, where paintings and more objects sat near the big teacher's desk.

Leaning against that wooden desk was Professor Lupin, gazing across the room of chattering students, crossing his arms over his tattered looking robes, his messy hair a reddish brown color. Cherry looked at the scars that ran across his face, mesmerized and curious, especially, as to what caused them, wondering what could've possibly happened to this man that made him this way.

Professor Lupin looked to be about in his thirties, and the pink haired girl hoped that the DADA teacher was actually competent in his job; she'd heard horror stories about the past defense against the dark arts teachers from some of the other Gryffindor students.

Surprisingly to her, Lupin proved to be quite a good teacher. That day, they were learning about bogarts, and how to use ridiculous on it to counter the spell. Cherry had been scared about what would happen when it was her turn to face the bogart; thankfully Lupin had ended the lesson before she had a chance to go up against the thing. She honestly had no idea what she'd fear the most.

Lupin had ended the lesson with Harry Potter, which she'd heard all about at her previous years at the Beauxbatons Academy. Weirdly enough, and it seemed like Cherry was the only person who'd noticed this, when Lupin had jumped in front of the fourth year boy to stop him from facing the dementor, it had turned into an illusion of the moon, before the professor had used the counter curse on it, turning it into a balloon.

The moon? she'd thought. Who would've been scared of the moon? She was thinking about it for a bit as she packed up her books into her black bag. She'd stayed back a bit later than the other students, who had already piled out of the doorway onto their next class, with Cherry lingering behind.

Strangely enough, the defense teacher and her had a little chat, just small talk, a how do you do, settling in alright?, really, but Cherry felt a bit more welcomed into the school. Many of the other students from some other houses had ben giving her weird looks, since she was after all, a transfer student, and she assumed that their weren't many of those around here, since she'd noticed their reactions.

After the rather satisfying lesson with Professor Lupin teaching defense against the dark arts, Cherry had a free period of an hour before she had to go to lunch, so she decided to stop by Filch's office, for a bit of... sweet revenge.

She had her bag with her of course, and a few left over firework sticks from last week at Beauxbatons, right before she left.

She looked around the corridor, her pink hair swishing on her back, and when she saw that there was no one in sight, she cast an Alohomora and quickly went inside of Filch's office, the same one that her and that red head Fred would be doing detention in later that day after class hours were over.

Fred was pretty cute, she though subconsciously, flinching at herself a bit before closing the door behind her.

Venturing inside the room, she felt like she was being watched, like there was another presence inside the room with her. Skeptically, she looked up to the ceiling corners checked for red blinking lights and cameras, then shook her head, mentally laughing at how silly she was being. She was just pulling a quick prank, not robbing Gringotts or something like that.

It wasn't the muggle world, no one was putting bloody cameras inside Hogwarts's teachers' offices, she thought, though she still couldn't shake off the feeling of someone else in the room.

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