I killed him

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I look down at the lifeless body before me. I’ve killed him, I have committed a murder. A hundred thoughts are running in my head right now. How is aunt Jayne going to react? What am I going to tell my little brother? Am still pacing around my bedroom, I snap back to reality I have to act fast.

I quickly clean up the blood on the floor with my shirt which I carelessly toss into the washing basket. Am covered in blood but I have no time for a shower so I just wipe myself then I change into jeans and an oversized hoodie plus my favorite snickers.

I roam around searching for my piggy bank though I don’t have much money am sure it’s going to be enough to support me. I have to get out of here quickly. Darian is hanging out at Luke’s house. Luke has been his best friend ever since we moved in with aunt Jayne and uncle Simon.
Aunt Jayne has gone to buy some groceries at the store which is just fifteen minutes away and she said she would stop at her friend’s house when coming back.
I have to get out of here before she comes. I pack a few clothes in my backpack. I don’t forget to take a picture of my dad, the man am setting out to find. When am at my bedroom door I turn around for a final look at the man lying dead on the floor, the man I once called my uncle. I didn’t want to kill him but he came in my room and tried to force himself on me so I defended myself, I hit him in the head with a lamp but he didn’t back off so we he tried to jump on me again I stabbed him several times with a piece of glass on the chest. And then I watched him fall with blood pouring out from his head and some from his chest. I saw him fighting for his life I didn’t call 911 I just stared at him, watching him lose blood I have always looked up to him and yet he had to stoop so low.

“RIP uncle Simon” I say under my breath before I walk out to find my only hope.

Am only 19, I will be turning 20 next month. I always wanted to get an apartment of my own so that me and Darian could find some peace but money has been a very big problem although I have a job at Nora’s diner. School is so exhausting I continually curse the one who brought up education. Am doing my second year of accounting, not to brag but am really smart. But here I am going away from Darian, I hope he copes up with aunt Jayne while am away because once I find dad everything is going to be okay.
I never wished death for uncle Simon but at this particular time I will say that he is better off dead. Uncle Simon has always been abusive ever since we moved in with him after mum died. I still wonder what happened to his sweet nature.

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