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Darian is younger than me but he has always looked out for me, sometimes it’s as if he is my older brother. Am sure he could have done something if he had been around when uncle tried his stuff.
Darian has a pretty muscular body for a sixteen-year-old and he is more mature than other sixteen year olds. Moving in with aunt and uncle taught us a lot, am 19 but I act more mature for my age. I fall asleep while thinking about how things have drastically changed in a short period of time.

My trip seems shorter that I expected, I guess it’s because I slept halfway. I arrive in London by 6:45. Once I arrive I know the first place I have to go. I have to talk to mum so I walk all the way to the cemetery. I quietly sit down, for a moment I don’t say anything I just stare at the place she was buried.

Life is hard, life is a mess, life is exhausting. A tear rows down my cheek, at this moment I can’t hold it in anymore so I let it all out. I didn’t even know how much tears I was holding up until now.
“Mum I miss you,” my words come out more as a whisper. I don’t say anything else I just let the tears flow and speak on my behalf. I don’t even know where am going to spend the night and it’s almost 8 pm.

I remember about my friend Karen; we were really close when I was here so I hope she will take me in. I can’t even take an Uber because I don’t have much money on me so I walk although am tired and I feel like my feet are burning. I buy a hot dog and a soda, I’ve ignored my rumbling stomach for too long. This isn’t enough for me but it’s what I can afford right now.

I smile creeps on my face when I see Karen’s house in the distance. I take a deep breath then I knock on the door, am surprised when a little girl answers because I don’t remember Karen having any siblings.

“Can you call your mummy.” I sweetly tell her

“mum!!” she screams

That’s when a woman who seems to be in her early thirties appears

“Go inside sweetie,” she tells her daughter
“Uh sorry to bother you but I thought this is the Collins residence?” I say nervously

The woman looks at me judgingly “they moved out two months ago” she responds rather rudely

“Okay, thanks” I say then I walk away before she responds

Okay so am in London, I have nowhere to sleep and am so tired. Argh can things get any worse. As am walking around aimlessly an idea pops up in my head. I decide to go look around the house we used to stay with mum, I don’t know if people moved in yet. It’s not far from where Karen used to stay so I don’t have to walk a long distance. It’s just five blocks away.

I check the time and it’s 8:45 so am sure everyone is inside so I don’t have to worry about being caught with trespassing. As I approach the house I notice that the lights are off meaning that no one has moved in yet which is actually strange.
Eight whole months and no one moved in, hmm I guess am lucky because I will have a place to spend the night. As I predicted the front door is locked and so is the back door so now I have to find a way to get it. This is harder than I thought.
I manage to open the kitchen window so I get in which is pretty easy with my small body. I take a look around and nothing has changed but standing in this house alone makes my heart ache with pain. It doesn’t feel like home anymore.
This house holds so may memories for me, I take a look at the kitchen table and I chuckle to myself remembering how me and Darian used to fight for a spot to sit and then mum scolding us for our behavior. It feels like this was just yesterday.

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