Join the gang??

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Everyone addresses Monty as Skull or Boss and I think it’s funny.

“am so glad there is another girl here,” Sage says “being the only girl among boys can be tiresome sometimes.” She continues. They boys laugh at her words

“unfortunately am not here for long.’ I say

“argh, don’t tell me you aren’t joining the gang. We could really use another cutie around here” Rex says.

Lately a lot of people have been calling me cute and am getting the hang of the nickname.

“please join.” Sage says while giving me puppy dog eyes. She really looks cute

“nah I can’t, I have stuff to deal with.”  I say with finality so they stop pestering me

We all keep quiet. I’ve finished my food so I just let my thoughts wander off. Sage keeps herself busy on the phone. Bones is immersed in his food; he doesn’t utter a word.
Jake and Rex keep bickering about some girl they both like. They are like twins always arguing about silly stuff. Am deep in my thoughts when Xander walks in.

“hey guys,” he mumbles “I see you’ve met Cassie.” He says with a smile

“yep and she is already my girlfriend.” Jake says with smile and I just giggle. He is so adorable

“Back off dummy, she ain’t yours.” Xander says

“boys! Calm down.” I yell at them and they actually listen to me.

“yah, anyway uhm Monty wants to talk to you. He is in the bedroom.” Xander tells me

“ooh ok.” I say and then I make my way out of the kitchen.

“Eulala, I wonder what the boss has for you.” Sage says in a sing-song voice and I send her death a glare. She just chuckles.

I walk to the bedroom and I take my time to take in the house. It’s beautiful but I really don’t know where we are.
I open the bedroom door and I notice Monty is sitting facing the window. It’s now that I notice how big the room is; it’s huge. It’s done in black and white and some shades of grey here and there. There aren’t many things in the room like I would expect it to be.

“Uhm, wanted to talk to me.” I stutter.
Dang it am embarrassing myself again. Monty then turns around to face me and damn he looks gorgeous.
He just showered I guess because his hair still looks wet. He is wearing grey sweatpants which are similar to the ones am wearing and a black vest. The tattoo on his upper arm looks so sexy.
It’s the Iron Order symbol, I recognize it since Sage showed me how it looks like. I get out of my trance then I walk to sit on the bed. He just stares at me intently like he has something to say but he just doesn’t know how to express it. I also stare back because I really don’t know what to do.

“Ey am sorry about my outburst in the kitchen.” He says in a low voice it’s almost inaudible

“it’s ok.” I reply and he looks at me deep in the eyes almost as if he can see my insides.
He intense stare arouses something in me. Am at a loss for words so I also just stare at him the same way.

“I hope my apology sounds genuine,” he says then ruffles his hair “am not used to saying sorry.” He adds

“I understand.” I say. He looks so confused; I wonder what’s going on through his head “where is my backpack?” I ask so he doesn’t have to say anything since he looks so blank

“Uhm, I didn’t find it when I came to pick you up.” He says

“Damn, so even my phone is gone.” I say then cover my face with my hands.

“it’s going to be okay,” Monty says and now he is sitting next to me on the bed “you said something about finding your dad right?” he asks and I just nod “well am gonna help you find him and am sure we will find him in less than a week.” He says in a very assuring voice

“Really?” I ask looking up to him. Boy this guy is tall

“yah.” He says with a smile and that warms me up a bit.

I automatically lean my head on his shoulder and we stay like that for some time.

“you should get some rest.” Monty says

“Uhm yah.” I answer and Monty gets up in an attempt to get out of the room “where are you going to sleep?” I ask

“In the guest room.” He answers
“But this is your bedroom so I should sleep in the guest room instead.” I say

“that’s not necessary.” He argues

We argue about the bedroom for almost 5 minutes until we decide to just share his bed. Besides the bed was so huge four people could sleep in it at once.
We get into bed and face opposite sides.

“Goodnight Cassie.” He says

“Goodnight Monty.” I mumble
before drifting off to lala land. So am sleeping next to a cute guy huh

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