On a mission

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Monty brings me my breakfast, it’s a very huge breakfast but it looks so appetizing.

I start to dig in but am surprised when he comes to sit next to me and eats from the same plate as me. The guys give a look which I can’t decipher what it means. He stands up again to bring me some coffee and he makes it just the way I like it.

“who made the eggs?” I ask while eating

“I made them,” Monty replies “I know they are delicious.” He says with a smirk

“nope, they are pretty bad. Very salty.” I say then I start laughing and the guys even join me while Monty has a very annoyed look.

“well then go make your own breakfast.” He says while taking the plate out of my reach.

“noo I was just kidding; these are the best eggs I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. I would even kill to eat such eggs for the rest of my life. Mr. Monty you so happen to make the best eggs of all time.” I say while feigning some respect. The guys are still laughing

“Good girl, now that’s what I like to hear.” Monty says while bringing the plate close to me.

“Dickhead.” I mutter under my breath but the guys hear me and they all erupt in laughter.

Even Monty laughs this time. The rest of the breakfast with the guys cracking a few jokes here and there. These guys are so funny.
Am even enjoying the arguments between Jake and Rex. In the midst of all the jokes Monty receives a phone call but he looks very angry.

“Follow the goddamn mother fuckers,” he screams to whoever he is talking to.

All of us are looking at him with absent faces. Damn this guy know how to get angry in a short period of time. He cuts his call and turns to look at us.

“we got a mission.” He says. All the guys turn their attention to him.

He can turn quite bossy I see. “The dragons squad came into my territory and they raided one of my warehouses last night. We know the vehicle that they are using.

So Rex you are going to track down their location.” He says with authority.
“yes boss.” Rex replies. I giggle when he says that.

“Jake and Xander you will go to the warehouse. Check out if there is any serious damage.”

He commands. “Bones and sage you are with me; we need to catch those dimwits.” He says.

“Cassie should come with us.” Xander suddenly says.

“No.” Monty replies very quickly

“ooh come on man. Let her tag along, she should see new stuff.” Xander continues.

“Hell no, Cassie is not going anywhere.” He shouts “she is not a member of the gang so she has no right to tag along and she is weak, I don’t wanna come back with a corpse.” He says angrily

“Save your words Monty, I wasn’t even planning to tag along it’s none of my business.” I bark back at him.

He will have to go to hell if he thinks am weak.

The guys look shocked with my answer. Sage looks at me and mouths ‘you go girl.’ With a big smile plastered on her face. Xander looks at me apologetically.

I just smile at him. The guys exit the room to go get ready for their mission. I notice the guys coming out all clad in black, they look amazing. Gang stuff huh. My eyes then meet with Monty’s, those green eyes sure do wonders to me. he looks smoking hot in black.

He stares at me for a while then he makes his way out. For some reason am mad at him because he didn’t talk to me before leaving. Am mad at him because he called me weak. So is that what everyone thinks of me, that am just a worthless weak creature.

But I know am stronger than they think and even tougher than I look. One thing mum told me is never lower your standards because of people’s opinions on your life. Sure I can be physically weak but at least am mentally strong.

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