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my name is Monty Stones unlike you I didn’t lie my name,” he says with accusation in his voice and I pretend like I didn’t hear him.

“am a gang leader and when am there they call me The Skull, I got involved with some guys and they’ve been trying to get me for quite some time but it’s been impossible because am smarter than them.” He says with a smirk

“could u just go the main point, I don’t have all day,” I furiously say

“am trynna make it interesting,” he says and I curse him inwardly “ok, those guys who kidnapped you thought you are my girlfriend so they kidnapped you to make me surrender myself to them but I was way too smart so I figured it out and I attacked them in their layer, that’s when I found you.” He finishes and am so confused right

“why would they think am your girlfriend?” I ask and he has guilt written all over his face

“Uhm well I kinda made them think you were my girlfriend,” he says with a small voice

“and how is that?” I ask furiously

“I had one of my guys at the café that time I met you so he took pictures of us and I posted them with some sweet stuff so they would think we were on a date and that’s how they followed you after seeing my post but I placed a tracker on you that time which you didn’t notice about so it was easy for me to track down their location and that’s when I came and attacked them.”
He explains and am fuming with anger

My life seems to get complicated each and every minute I breathe. For once I thought a guy approached me because he likes me but I was just a pawn in his game.
“ooh so you were just using me for your gang business huh,” I say with a broken voice

“it’s not like that, the thing is I …...uhm I,” he stutters

“it’s ok, you don’t owe me an explanation. Am leaving anyway; thanks for the care.” I tell him

I get up from the bed and I realize that am only wearing a shirt

“where the hell are my clothes,” I ask furiously though I wanna know who undressed me but am in a hurry for that

“Cassie calm down, lemme explain myself clearly.” He says slowly and I wanna listen to him but am just too angry “and besides you also promised to tell me part of your story because you seem to have a whole load of issues yourself and I could help you."He says this so adorably and I believe him but I don’t wanna get involved with gang leader, do I?

I guess I could confide in him besides I have no place to sleep and I don’t even know how to find dad and he seems to be my only hope.
For a moment we don’t say anything, we just stare at each other like total idiots.

“Am not sure if I can trust you,” I say at last

“I know you have all the reasons to doubt me and being a gang leader, you may think am going to get you in trouble but I really don’t have such intentions.

Am sorry for using you in the first place but we could start all over again and become friends,” he says sincerely “now you ready to tell me what’s up with you?” he asks with a smirk

Dang this guy smirks a lot and I must say that smirk does wonders to me. he is just too cute. Those green eyes are so dreamy. Those perfect lips, wonder what it would feel like to kiss him

“uhm, Cassie,” he says and I stop daydreaming
Argh I should stop drooling over this guy he is going to think am a total loser
“sorry, so many thoughts in my head,” I manage to say
“I understand, so spill it.” He says with a snigger

“Ok, my full name is Cassandra Lesley Brown, I have a younger brother. His name is Darian and he is the one I was talking to on the phone. He is in Nottingham right now, that’s where we’ve been staying for the past 8 months with our aunt and uncle.

My mom passed away 8 months ago, she had leukemia.” I explain and that’s when I notice the tears on my face.

I’ve been holding so much to myself and now finally talking to someone about it just makes me burst out. All the pain in my heart just comes flowing with my tears

“Ey, it’s ok. I gat you.” Monty says while cuddling me and it feels so comforting “you don’t have to tell me everything right now if it’s too painful for you. We can talk about it some other time.” He finishes.

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