Monty again

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When I wake up, I realize that my hands are tied to a chair. My head hurts and I don’t even know where I am. I notice the same two guys who knocked me out in front of me.

“She’s awake.” One of them says.
“Where am I?” I ask weakly

“Ssh princess don’t freak out, prince charming is coming to your rescue” the other says “am going to call boss,” he continues.

I really don’t understand what’s going. Why would these guys kidnap me?  I owe no one anything.
Argh my life keeps getting worse every day. Just then another guy walks in he seems smaller than the other but they seem to respect him a lot so I assume he is the boss.

“She is cuter than I thought,” he says once he sees me.

“Why am I here?” I ask with some much anger in my voice

“hmm, feisty are we. I like you already,” he says like it’s the cleverest thing ever. I hate him already

“I won’t beat around the bush, what do you know about the skull?”

“the what now?” I ask blankly

“you are not gonna act dumb here, I ask the questions and you give me the answers.” He shouts at me

“and what if I don’t have the answers,” I ask

The so called boss looks so angry, smoke could be coming out from his nose. He doesn’t say anything else he just storms out of the room.

One the guy walks towards and am relieved thinking that he is going to untie me from this chair. Am starting to feel very uncomfortable but instead he slaps me hard and I swear I see a thousand stars.
I yelp in pain and he smiles like a kid who just received candy. The guys walk out and am left alone with unanswered questions. How long they plan to keep me here, that I do not know.

After some time, I hear gunshots outside the room. Am tired, hungry, confused and I could really use a shower. Suddenly the door bursts open and am surprised by the person I see. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks with me.

“Monty,” I say but it comes out more as a question

“yes princess, Prince charming at your service,” he says like this is a normal situation

He comes closer and starts to untie. He says something but I don’t clearly get it because I pass out.

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