Shopping trip

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Sage tells me that am going out with her for a girl’s day. Am excited but am also scared to face the world. I’ve been indoors for three days; I guess I could really use this. After breakfast she does my make-up.

I wear a floral dress with thin straps. I don’t remember the last time I wore a dress.
But I must say I look good in it. Sage wears a black short with a red crop top, she looks good plus the belly ring she has is amazing.

“let’s go.” She squeaks excitedly once we are done.

“where’s Monty?” I ask before we leave

“he has gone out for some business.” Sage informs me

“don’t worry it’s nothing dangerous.” She adds after seeing the expression on my face  

“ooh ok.” I say with relief.

The sun feels so good once I step out of the house. I missed this.

“no way!” I screech once I see our ride.

“yes girl.” Sage says besides me

It’s a charcoal grey G wagon. I’ve always wanted to ride one of these. And yay am going to ride one today.

“who owns this?” I ask

“Monty of course.” Sage answers carelessly

Hmm, so he must be filthy rich to have one of these. But he’s so young. I wonder how old he is cause silly me never bothered to ask. Sage first takes me shopping in one of the expensive shops I would never imagine entering.

“take that dress, it’s gonna look so good on you.” Sage says while pointing to a red strapless dress. It’s really gorgeous but every time I see red I think of blood. The blood that I once shed and that gives me shivers.

“it’s too expensive.” I argue

“ooh come on, this is on Monty he wouldn’t worry.” She pesters on.

So I end up buying the murder red dress. Shopping goes well, at least now I don’t have to wear Sage’s clothes anymore or Monty’s either. After shopping we go to a spa for massages and damn it’s so relaxing. I wish I had every day.

“there is a really cool diner down there, we could have lunch there.” Sage tells me

“that would be great.” I answer

We decide to walk to the diner since it’s not far from the spa. As we walk I notice some posters pasted all over with my face on them.
The words WANTED written down in big bold black letters. They are even offering a large sum of money to anyone who knows about my whereabouts.

My breath hitches in my throat. I’ve been so busy with foolish stuff I forgot what I came here for.
Who knows what Darian is going through right now. Am a bad person. Am evil. I suddenly start hyperventilating; I can’t stand seeing these posters here. Am a criminal wanted so bad by the police.

“what’s wrong Cassie.” Sage asks.

I don’t answer for a moment

“le...…let’s go back home.” I stutter

“but what about lunch.” She whines

“let’s just go.” I say more weakly.

The drive back is so quiet. Sage knows better not to talk to me. my face is so pale right now; all the color has been drained out. Such an idiot I am. I need to talk to Darian.
Once we arrive home, I sprint out of the car to the bedroom. Sage come calling after me.

“Cassie wait up.” She screams.

But I don’t stop, I just have to be alone right now. I pass the guys in the living room briskly. Jake tries to talk to me but I ignore him. Once am in the bedroom I lock the door and slide down to the floor. Tears come streaming down my face. Am such a mess. Sage and the guys come knocking on the door but I don’t move.

“Open up Cassie.” Rex says “tell us what’s wrong.” He continues

How do I tell them that am a criminal wanted by the police? How do I explain about my messed up life? It’s not that easy. I wish someone would wake me up and tell me that this was just a nightmare. I wish mum was still here. Maybe life could be much simpler that way.

“Am fine guys, I just wanna be alone.” I sat weakly and I know they heard me because I had footsteps moving away from the door.

I could just commit suicide to get away from all this then I would be in heaven with mum but what about Darian? He would be all alone in this cruel world. I quickly brush away my suicidal thoughts. I should focus on finding dad right now. once I find him everything is going to be okay. I sit down for almost an hour with tears in my eyes. I just can’t bring myself to stand up.
Am a coward aren’t I? am afraid to face the world. While am engrossed in my miserable thoughts someone knocks on the door. I really don’t have the energy to speak to people right now.

“Cassie.” I hear the person on the other side say. It’s Monty. My heart leaps when I realize that it’s him “open the door please.” He says softly.

I hesitate but I open the door anyway. He stands there just looking at me but I face downwards. I just can’t bring myself to look up to him. And then I break down again. This time I don’t why but I just feel like crying so yah I cry my heart out.
Monty picks me up in his strong arms leading me to the bed I guess. He places me down but he stays there with me. I scoot closer to him. I bury my face in his chest. He smells so good.

“Ssh… it’s gonna be okay.” He says but he doesn’t even know what’s wrong. “I gat you Cassie.” He says soothingly.

I just nod. I look up to him for the first time after I’ve stopped crying. He looks back at me intensely. Damn those green eyes.

“wanna go have ice cream?” he asks.

“yah.” I answer “but I should wash my face first am sure I look like a potato.” I chuckle

“a potato is better, you look like a pumpkin.” He says and I glare at him.

“dummy.” I mutter.

“I heard that.” he shouts as I enter the bathroom. I laugh. I wash my face and apply some make up to fix my puffy face.

“am ready.” I announce

“Uhm wait…I got you a new phone since we couldn’t find your last one.” He says while revealing an iPhone 11.

“OMG!” I squeak while clapping my hands like a baby.

“well with that squeak I assume you like it.” He laughs

“like it? I love it.” I say excitedly. At least now I will have something to keep me busy. I give him a big hug but am sure it’s more of a squeeze than a hug.

“okay, you can stop killing me now young lady.” He jokes.

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