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It’s now been a week since dad denied ever knowing me. every morning I wake up at 4am then workout with Monty. I’ve grown quieter than before. Am always indoors either in the library or in the gym. I just don’t know what to do next.
Monty still thinks I shouldn’t go back to Nottingham but am so worried about Darian. All my calls go straight to voicemail I really want to talk to my baby bro but how do I tell him that dad denied us.

Now we are on our own. Maybe I could just leave the house while the guys aren’t around. Am thinking all this while sitting in the library. Am reading The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. The content is quiet terrifying but am loving it.  I’ve started loving this Italian poet. I would love to go Italy some time especially in Florence or Venice.

“aren’t you going to come for dinner.” I notice Monty towering over me. I didn’t even realize it when he came in.

“just a sec. I should finish this chapter.” I say turning the page.

“ooh no, you and me are going for dinner together right now.” he argues “you’ve been reading for almost four hours now am sure your eyes are gonna pop out anytime.” He jokes

“fine, let’s go.” I say because I know he is not going to back down. “dummy.” I mutter under my breath

“I heard that bookworm.” He fires back

“Good, I intended you to hear it.” I say then roll my eyes at him. We find the guys eating with Jake and Rex arguing as usual. Am now used to all this. It’s music to my ears. Jake made lasagna for dinner, tasty but I don’t have the appetite. Monty gives a hard stare and I know I will still have to eat either way. I pick at my food, joining in the chatter here and there.
Surprisingly Monty doesn’t force me to eat like every other day. He seems so lost in thought. He hasn’t eaten much himself. I wonder what’s up with him.

“Hey come with me.” I say while nudging Monty on the shoulder. Good thing he doesn’t protest. The guys give each other a look. Dummies. I walk with Monty in the garden at the back of the house without saying a word. It doesn’t look like he’s planning to speak.

“what’s wrong with you?” I finally ask. He doesn’t answer for a while. It’s like he doesn’t know what is even wrong with him. He scratches his head the way he does when he’s nervous.

“Uhm, will you come with me for dinner at my dad’s place?” he asks me. I start laughing hysterically

“so you’ve been acting like that because you wanted to ask me to go for a dinner with you.” I say in between laughs.

“Uhm yah. I really don’t wanna go there but I just have to whether I like it or not.” He says in a broken voice. We are now sitting on a bench.

“why don’t you want to go” I ask curiously
“I hate meeting my dad.” He answers coldly “every year he hosts a dinner party for his companies and am forced to be there.” He continues

“Oooh.” I say blankly

“but it’s okay if you don’t wanna come along.” He says “I usually go alone anyway.” He finishes and turns to face the other side.

“I will come with you.” I mumble. He looks at me for a while

“Thanks.” He mutters.

We sit in silence for almost ten minutes. At first this could have been awkward but today this silence feels so comforting.

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