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We walk to the kitchen for ice cream but the house seems a bit too quiet. I sit on the kitchen island while he brings out the ice cream from the fridge.

“where are the guys?” I ask

“I sent them out for some stuff.” He says casually.

He sits next to me and hands me my spoon. I feel a sense of joy once the ice cream hits my tongue.

“wanna play 20 questions?” he suddenly asks

“Uhm sure.” I say “ you ask first?” I add

“what’s your favorite movie?” he asks.
“beauty and the beast.” I say then chuckle.

“what’s your favorite sport?” I ask
“Basketball.” He answers. Yay that’s my favorite too I say inwardly

“when is your birthday?” he asks.
“23 November.” I say with a smile.
“whoa that’s two weeks away.” He says

“yah.” I blush for no particular reason “how old are you?” I ask
He laughs at first “am 22.” He answers at last. I smile.
The ice cream we are attacking is almost finished now. “it’s your turn to ask.” I say.

“how would you describe your first kiss?” he asks.

I gulp first before answering. “it was with this other guy called Spencer in 6th grade but it wasn’t all that good for a first kiss because he was pretty rough am pretty sure my lips looked like donuts after that. Well I actually just kissed him because he was cute and he was a football player but I wasn’t into him that much.” I explain.

“well we could reverse that experience.”  Monty says while leaning in closer to me.

it takes me a moment to register what he is trying to do. I just sit still not moving an inch. He comes so close to me I can even feel his breath. For a moment he stares right into my eyes like he can see through them. I stare back at his green eyes not wanting to look away. He is damn gorgeous. He then presses his lips on mine at first I don’t respond and he playfully bites my lower lip I gasp gaining him full entry. The kiss is so intense yet so soft. He is so gentle with me. Mints, that’s what he tastes like and I love it. He presses his lips harder on mine and it feels so damn good. I run my fingers through his hair, it’s amazing. His strong arms are on my waist. I could kiss this guy forever cause dang he knows how to kiss a girl senseless.

“scoff scoff.” We hear someone say at the door.
He lets me go. We both turn to see Xander and Sage in the doorway. Now that we are apart I see how tangled up we were. He still has his hands on me. Xander and Sage just look at us without saying a word and it makes me so uncomfortable. I get out of Monty’s arms and rush out of the kitchen.
I  can’t face Monty so I go to Sage’s room instead. I sit on her bed hugging the pillow too close. Am glad that Monty kissed me, that was a kiss I will never forget. After a few minutes Sage comes in.

“intruder!” she screams when she sees me.

“shut up”, I say while throwing a pillow at her.

“sooooo your man dragged us out of the house on a fake mission just so he could make out with you huh.” Sage says

“first of all, Monty is not my man.” I glare at her “and what fake mission are you talking about?” I ask.

“well he told us that one of his warehouses was being raided and we should go check it out. We went there and everything was in great condition and then we come here to find the two of you kissing.” She laughs at the end “now that show that he chased us out of the house just to be with you.” She finishes.

It seems kind of true now that she has said it because I was told that Rex rarely goes for missions, he stays back to patrol the house but today he wasn’t around. So he really sent them on a false mission huh. It’s pretty cute though.

“I guess he really did send you guys on a fake mission but am sure he did it as part of your training.” I say

“ooh come on, when are you going to realize that this guy is head over heels for you.” She whines “you make a perfect couple.” She says with a smile.

“nah, we could never be a couple. He is way out of my league.” I say.

“maybe you haven’t noticed but Monty has never been the same after his little sister died. There is more to the story but none of us know about it. Monty never shows care towards anyone except you. Am not saying he is a bad person but he is just a better version of himself when he is around you. He was so cold after his sister’s death and you are the only one who seems to make him smile these days.” Sage explains all this and I take my moment absorbing it in.

“it’s just so much to handle, I have my own issues. This isn’t the time for me to get involved with love issues.” I say softly

“I understand but the sooner you open up to each other the better. You both have feelings for each other but you don’t wanna face them. Inform me when you stop being a coward.” She says sarcastically.

“go to hell  dimwit.” I groan.

After the talk we watch Vampire Diaries on her laptop. The time flies so fast.

“am starving, let’s go down for dinner.” Sage says nudging me

“argh I don’t wanna meet Monty.” I groan

‘ooh come on you will have to face him anyway.” She says and rolls her eyes at me.

“go ahead, I will find you.” I tell her

“suit yourself.” she says then walks out.

I continue to watch Vampire Diaries. My stomach keeps rumbling, am so hungry but I don’t want to meet Monty. Someone knocks on the door while am still watching the series

“come in.” I shout

The person come in and dang it. The person just had to be Monty. He comes in carrying a tray with food. My mouth is already watering right now.

“Are you planning to starve yourself to death?” he jokes

“I was planning so until you came in with that tray.” I answer.

He places the tray on the bed and sits with me. I eat and he just watches me. we talk about random stuff afterwards. Am glad that he didn’t bring up about the kiss. He tells me about his life in high school and I laugh at the stories. He doesn’t mention about his sister though.

“Are you going to sleep with Sage?” he asks while scratching his head

“uhm, do you want me to come sleep with you?” I ask then face down

“yah.” He answers and scratches his head again.

“let’s go then.” I say.

We walk hand in hand to our bedroom. Funny that I just called it our bedroom when it’s actually his bedroom.

“aren’t you going to wear my shirt tonight?” he asks when he notices me getting in bed.

“ooh yah right, toss me the black one” I say with a smile. I’ve gotten use to sleeping in his shirts, they just give me a sense of comfort.
I walk into the bathroom to change. Darian. Damn I forgot to check on him. I come running out of the bathroom like am being chased.

“hey, what’s wrong?” Monty asks shocked by my actions.
“I need to talk to Darian.” I mumble. I roam around for my new phone. I sigh with relief when I find it. I quickly dial Darian’s number but he doesn’t pick up so it goes to voicemail. I try dialing it a couple more times but it still goes to voicemail. I start panicking.
Who knows in what state his is in right now. I try to dial again for the last time but it goes to voicemail again.

“Ey D, it’s Cassie. Call me as soon as you get this. I love you.” I say with a broken voice.

I curl down to the floor. I hope Darian is fine. I need to find dad. Monty comes to sit next to me but he doesn’t say a word. He just wraps his arms around me, it’s very comforting. Eventually I fall asleep in his arms.
He carries me to the bed but am way too tired to open my eyes. When he sleeps next to me I snuggle in closer to him.

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